She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Faith promoting

Today I was brave as it was time to take care of a problem that I have had for over 7 months....
I have been praying that Heavenly Father would take care of this and that I needn't do anything but have Faith....well it is enough and a lack of understanding on my part....I have had a Bladder problem of pressure..
So today I finally took myself of and have so far had three examinations....
You see I have had some childhood experiences that has at times been hard to cope with and because of this I have had a period of not wanting anything to do with that part of my body.....
But a blessing has given me the courage to deal with it and as the blessing said it will be a faith promoting experience which it was today....AMAZING !!!
No I don't know the result as yet...but firstly I go to the Dr's prepared to wait for hours as usual but no I got in 30 minutes after ..... never happened before then had a blood test and again nobody there so straight in...they can never find a good vein but today first time in and there it flowed and again go to make an appointment and the Radiologist and there was a someone who had cancelled so I went in today...I feel very proud of myself....will tell you what the update is

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