She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

Friday, August 31, 2012

Funny thing

We live in a quick result, quick fix it, instant gratification World...... This whole episode in my life has been a challenge....because nothing I could do about getting rid of this is taking it's time and in time it will go.....not in my time !!!! I have learnt a good lesson that there are times you just have to ride it out and all you can lean on is your faith and hope.
Went back to the Dr today ....just wanted to check that my chest is clear even though I am still coughing...which it is and as she said I'm afraid you will just need to see it through .....which I really have come to understand.
But having said all that today I am feeling much better...... the coughing is still there but not as much ....the headachy fuzzy head seems to be clearing up........ I still feel very blessed.
We are all waiting for our precious little baby to arrive...Vanessa is several days overdue. none of us know what it is so it will be a wonderful surprise.....I am hopeless in guessing..... all along I have felt it was a boy I don't know anymore. Whatever, none of us care...only that it is healthy and that both are well and fine.....Baby is not lying in a good position back on back, same as my Katie was. Different sort of labour unfortunately.
We have the phone right next to our bed waiting for the call to come and pick up their children......she is still hoping for a home birth.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Worst Day

Yesterday was the very worst day so far with this virus....... It was in my head DREADFUL ..... All day incredible fuzzy pain...... Can't really describe it except it was awful.
Exhaustion has a whole new meaning to me now.
Today much better..... Still some strange pain in my head, still coughing .... mostly NOT feeling like I am going to pass out....... Thank goodness.
I do feel much better. It will get better each day.
I have been house bound pretty well.
Can't wait to get out.
Sat in the lovely sunshine for awhile felt good.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Hanoa Punaivaha

Oh isn't he just adorable..... Taken yesterday....I just love him already .... can't wait to give him a hug..... But we are still waiting and praying.

My goal for today

Was achieved.....I planted a few plants out the front just a few vegies.....felt so good doing something.....have come in exhausted and coughing has started up again......but I did something and that is such a good feeling.
Wonderful friends have dropped of a meal yesterday and one today..... So again sweet blessings.....
Tony will be home tomorrow ..... Thank Goodness....
What a diabolical virus......sometimes I feel .... will I ever get over this.... Then I remember some of my friends who have had worse then me and they now seem ok..... Which gives me hope.....
I don't have much patience!
Sometimes we are forced into being what we don't want. But we learn good lessons in the end....
I am old enough and have had enough experience in life to know this.

The Stick

I guess thinking about the girls mainly I remember they had blankeys.....although Vanessa had an old sock....and Leo had his thumb and fluff that he rubbed on his nose while sucking his I guess a stick is not so bad. 
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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Little Anthony

I just love these photo's....He is the cutest ever.......he is never without his stick or sticks will go to bed with him, or to Church or where ever he is, or whatever he is doing....he will be holding a stick.....then there are his blue shoes...those smelly old shoes !!!! he finds them and even though he really does not fit into them anymore he has to have them...Nic took him into town to buy him some new ones...but it's taken some talking into in giving those old things up.
Must get a picture of him with his stick!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ady's Baptism

What an amazing day was last Sunday.... Adyran's Baptism was of course the highlight..... She looks beautiful as are some before and after Photo's.
Reflecting on the whole day.....Every talk and lesson given was exceptional .....I felt so encouraged and uplifted.....what was amazing to me as well, was Saturday I started to feel so much better and Sunday I could say I felt almost back to normal......Then Monday it all came back again.....Now for me that was Heavenly Father's Blessing.
Well enough for our Grand daughters Baptism.....Thank You Heavenly Father see how blessed I am.
1. Photo Maya Ady and Jacob her darling siblings.
2. Before going into the Baptismal Font....her dress is the same that her Mother wore when she was Baptized.
3. Ady and her Mum Vanessa dressed in a most beautiful dress her Mother made her...just after her Baptism. Vanessa is about to have her fourth baby due any day. ooooh exciting, another great blessing.
4. Immediately after her Baptism.
5. With Her Daddy Brendon
Ady's freind Phoebe Mills was Baptized on the same day by her Daddy Andrew.
Wonderful day...Wonderful treasured moment.
Soon it is to be Sharli's turn...she too will wear the same her Mummy did.
Photo's a bit out of sync.... never mind.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Magnificent. The structure and the light cannot imagine being there and taking this photo

Love it

And trying to see if this works.

Across the road

We have a Reserve across the road from us and often we will take a walk with our precious lot ..... here is 10 of our 18......
Hope the area here is left untouched although I'm sure eventually
the Cemetery will be extended to some of it..... But for now it's a great place for our kids to walk, dig, slide and whatever.
I love to look at all the wildflowers....and the magic of trees.
I'm sure every now and then I've seen a magical Fairy or two!!!
Oh the beauty of make believe..... Of course what we are really seeing is beautiful little Wild flowers that have little skirts etc. But the Magic of Grandma's mind makes everything possible!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Jazmin

On a roll now...... Another facebook photo how gorgeous, she is so vivacious and always bubbly, she is the one with the dark hair oldest Grand daughter the Sister of Rhys .....another blessing xx

My Spider Man Three

Being home and somewhat bored ....what does one do well .....You look at Facebook.....hmmm interesting. Can see some good....bit to much personal sharing from some but definitely a new way of communicating...
Today apart from my visit to the Dr's I went out with my gorgeous Grandson Rhys .......I needed to take him to the Dr's ...... With a sprain in his arm....then went and did some food shopping.... Of course I got some forbidden food....came home and Rhys showed me how to take photo's from facebook and so these are two photo's, one of him climbing up the walls at our local Chapel and one of his handsome face him ..... see how blessed I am

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Uplifting gift

What an amazing surprise..... My darling friend Gayle came and visited which in itself was perfect.... Reg her husband went and did some shopping and came back with this wonderful gift. It lifted my soul and I am ever grateful. I love my friends who bless my life with all that is good and wonderful.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm back

Ok it's a viral Bronchitis....Laryngitis how ever you spell can't be treated with an antibiotic as it's viral not bacterial..... She said it will take three months to get rid of it.... It's not contagious anymore..... Keep warm etc..... Am now on steroids and a my chest my brain has gone askew ..... Can't spell.
Hate it when I have a coughing fit as I feel at times I might pass out.....also Tone is gone and I have a pretty big leak in the Playroom.....sorry a misery entry this time....
But I am still grateful I have soooo many blessing.

Back to the Dr.

I just cannot get over this.....felt great on Sunday....I was so happy ...... It was a perfect day..... So inspiring..... Yesterday I started feeling tight in my chest again and the cough is back.....oh I am so sick of being back I go.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Great to feel.

So much better......wheezing has almost gone ...... still coughing a bit..... But so much better..... Thank goodness..... So grateful.

Friday, August 17, 2012

What is that noise?

Last night I was eating in bed and watching TV.....
I kept thinking as I was eating .... what is that noise? .... So I turned down the T.V. And no, no noise ..... I would start eating again and turned the TV up........ Same thing.....What is that noise?
I did the same thing again..... TV down, stopped eating.
I became more vigilant in listening..... Then was really shocked when I realised that the noise was coming from me!!!!!!
As I exhaled !!!!! Oh dear ....don't like this at all.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Keeps coming back!!!

This is the third time ..... I have been bed ridden with the flu in about 8 weeks...... It goes away only to come back with greater revenge..... I have now developed Asthma which I have never had before in my life.
I was blessed though this time to have Tony home ..... Thank goodness.
Am feeling much better today..... But hate the wheezing..... Still in bed. Looking up and seeing all the dust on the fan blades and the chandelier in my to do something about that !!!!!
I am not a good patient...... I hate being in bed and hate being confined....
But having said all that, I am still very blessed and so much better of then many.....So I will stop complaining.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jazzy is now a P Plate Driver hooray

Now it will be a whole other experience for her parents.
I remember well......laying in bed hearing one car come home ....... oh yes that is Rebecca......then another car is Vanessa....two home another two to go......I would not nor could I switch of till all were home......strange how my darling was so easily in the world of to me.

Monday, August 13, 2012

On Reflection

As you all know I am a great fan of the Olympics...... I do enjoy it.......but it has disturbed me ..... When finding out that some athletes train 7 to 8 hours a day, 6 days a week....... In my mind that has gone too far......too big a price to pay..... Particularly when these children don't have any agency .....they are all so very young......only able to see their Families once a year..... No not worth it.
So I have to say some so called Sports
I cannot enjoy.
Now Jordan who plays for Australia has a full time job and a life other then Ice Hockey......I'm sure that if he is selected for the Winter Olympics things will change ...... but life for now is exciting for him and he is achieving.
I remember when my brother Eddy who is an Olympian both for the Calgary Games and Moscow...trained morning and night before and after he went to work......he also was married and had two children at the time.
Belinda my niece who is also an Olympian in Athens had a job as well....but as the Games got became the main focus. She like Jordan have both travelled the World and competed in different countries....came home and carried on with their work and lives etc.....just all so much more balanced.
I have so enjoyed all that England has offered......I never knew that it was so Beautiful, Green and Stately....yes I would love to go there for a visit.....don't think that will ever happen now...... But I guess you never know.
I am really happy to say that as far as I know nothing terrible has happened...... like anything to do with Terrorists......I was worried that it might...... Thank all seemed very successful....... mostly enjoyed by me and I assume many others.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

My Goodness!

We watched the last part of the 50 k disturbing .... 80% or more were wheeled off ..... Now I do not understand that drive..... It was hard to see some of the men stagger to the line very thin as well. I do wish them good luck.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

This one is better

Oh no !!!! it is not the swimming one we should do......with those funny things hanging on your nose......It's the Rhythmic Gymnastics that is what we should do ...I can think of a few people who would join us in the Rec. Hall... like Betty D. Maureen W. Janet K.....what a wonderful way to do V.T..... I think we would be so good at it that even our darling friend will want to travel from Dawesville to join us.
I will use the ball and maybe you could use the hoop!!!
We will be known for our beautiful presentations...
Maybe we should put on a demo for our Ward.....all would be thrilled to see us......what do you think?
I am going to practice starting tonight.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We can do that!!

I was watching the Synchronised Swimming.....and thought my friend and I could do that......I reckon we would be good at that......we enjoy the Pool !!!
It's the same friend who I was going to the Family History Week Activities with !!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Our BIG Plans

My friend and I were going to have a week of Family History....we had planned the classes we were going to even discussed the booking of them what she was going to book for the two of us and what I was going to book for us.....well all the things that we were going to do happened last week.....WITHOUT US !!!!!!
Late last night I remembered about it.......oh my gosh I thought we both have forgotten about going...
I don't know what that is all about ...... both going senile I think !!!!!
When I rang her this morning and mentioned guess what we missed...we both were speechless for a second or two...
Both of us were so excited about going and all.....well can't have been too excited that it slipped both our minds....but we both regret that it did !  OH DEAR !What is to become of us.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The ones I love

 In the Olympics.....I love the Swimming, Diving, is it just me, but haven't the Chinese and Japanese people got taller....I have always thought of them as being a smaller people.
 I love the Weight Lifting.....Gymnastics ....A bit of Archery....some of the Athletics......can't wait for the 100 metre mens run...... I get so involved in some of the swimming races.......wishing Australia to win Gold .....that I am my own little cheering squad .......I guess for someone looking on I could look quite funny ...but no one is.....but even if someone home I would be the same.....I'm happy when Australia win anything really....good on them for even being there........I know what goes into being an Olympian as I have two family members that are........ it's a lot of dedication not only for them but their families as well........
I have sometimes wondered if I am a Aussie through and far as barracking goes and I am even when there is a Dutchy in the race.....but if there is a Dutch person and no Australian I am totally Dutch.....and barrack just as hard for them....
Oh yes the Cycling.......Rowing hmmmm have I forgotten anything maybe?
If Aus or Holland aren't competing I still love the event..
So much Drama in weightlifting. .... Great !!
Love the Scenery in England.....I would love to go there now.....Tone!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Loving the rain

Now that it's staying outside.....Sione fixed it grateful they live next door
I'm loving the Games also but .....some women sure look manly.....this is in the Weight Lifting.