She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

Monday, October 24, 2011

Naomi and Luke

They have the opportunity to be in New York and this photo was taken in Times Square...How Wonderful !!
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Very Moving UTUBE below.

Wish it was different...but that is how it is today...I support those that protect our  lives and land.....I'm an Aussie and proud of it....although I have corner of my heart which is Dutch.

Do You Support Me 2011.wmv

Saturday, October 22, 2011

It was High Jump

Tony was telling me that he practiced for years even though he was very young..... He was determined to make a certain height...which he would be interesting to see how long the record for the highest jump for his age group which was 11 stood for?   wouldn't have a clue how to search for that one.

Grandma and Papa's Champions

This week has been a very successful sports week for our Grandchildren...Caleb was Champion Boy for two years running now 3rd and now 4th Grade.
Jacob Champion Boy for 3rd grade this year ...he also broke the School Record for long jump..his Grandfather held the record in Kalgoorlie for many a year for long jump...who knows it might still stand.
Ady came first in Long Jump and  hhmmmmm can't remember will ask her tomorrow.
it's now midnight and I can hardly hold my eyes open...poor Tony is on his way back from Newman ..he was delayed as the plane broke down..he has had to wait now for 6 hours...after a very heavy working day...poor darling he will be exhausted.......only have to wait another 25 minutes before I will leave to pick him up from the Airport.
Went to a very entertaining evening earlier on for a man who is retiring..whom I feel not ever really retire...not in his nature....but anyway it was a fun night....missed my man though.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

An Old Tyre

Wherever we are with Sione he will find something and do something that is different...he found this old tyre and put a bit of rope around it and the rest you can see...I adore the first photo where little Anthony is looking up to Maya

The Kids thought this was wonderful.....

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Noble Falls Oct 2011

It was a joy to take my three boys to Noble was a wonderful day and they had a great time ...I was so impressed with how Caleb and Jacob were so kind to Kobi ..... because of their age difference they could have been less considerate. ....but instead were very sweet.

They made little boats from leaves and sticks and watched them as they were caught in the flowing water....we had some food of sorts fruit and lollies. Oh Grandma !!!! well it's part of the fun of being with Grandma.

The big surprise was to see Tony turn up...he was driving past and saw my car and stopped...oh I loved that...he has a job up in Noble Falls that seems to be a never ending project........ oh well it is a job. The weather was perfect and the company even better.
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Absolutely Breath Taking

The clip below is one of the most moving things that I have seen this year...please look at it and I'm sure it will do for you what it has done for Tony and me. After his performance all the Judges had to have a break!

Emmanuel Kelly Steals The Show : Video Clips From The Coolest One

Emmanuel Kelly Steals The Show : Video Clips From The Coolest One

King Neptune in Amsterdam

Even though he pointed a finger to me and said no photo unless you put money in my cup I was a bit cheeky and took this when he wasn't looking...He was in amazes me how they can stand still so long....without even moving a muscle....actually I should have given him some money I feel a bit mean now......this is how they earn their keep and good on them....can't think of anything worse really as it would be sooooo boring....but it does take great discipline.
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

My Hairdressing Days

Apart from wanting to become a lady that pushes the buttons in a lift in Boans..hahaha
I always wanted to become a that time you were either a Barber or a Ladies Hairdresser unlike today where you can become both.
I first worked in a Salon called Maider in Hay st Perth which my Dear Mother walked Perth for to ask if anyone was interested in taking on a young girl who loved to do hair....Maider Salon said after an interview...I was hired...the boss didn't like my name Lajla and thought that I should be called Dee Anna
Consequently I never responded to the name which was frustrating to those that were trying to get my attention and to me.
My first responsibilities were in the sweeping department..... handing the perm rods and general cleaning..I didn't mind that as I was thrilled to work in a Salon...I remember that I was very industrious in all that I did.  One day decided that I would get all the perm rods and give them all a good washing with shampoo...bubbles bubbles everywhere...but they sure were now clean and not so perm smelly....... I was so upset and so were my bosses when none of the perms took...some of the soap was still left on the rods...even though I thought that I had rinsed them well...the little that was left on the rods reacted to the perm solutions.....I caused the company a lot of was a pretty big Salon.....and many a perm were done.
I am not really sure but after three months I was let go with a promise from the Hairdressing Union that I would get another position in Hairdressing....the reason why I was let go is that every Senior could only have two Juniors and Maiders had more Juniors then was allowed. So several of us were let go. Possibly the episode with those darn rods and the name Dee Anna helped my demise.
I then went on to be a Nursing Assistant Yuk !!!at St Annes Maternity Hospital..... I saw things there that I had never seen before.....all a bit to much for me.....Thank goodness that was only until a position became available again in Hairdressing....
During this time my family moved from Queens Park to Brentwood. State Housing offered us a house to buy there. That must have been a big change for my parents as it was for me as well, we were surrounded in Queen's Park by Dutch friends.... Brentwood was far away....all the fun Friday night and Sunday lunch get togethers stopped....
Eventually a position in Claremont became available with Mrs Lingard in a Salon called Lynettes in Bay View Terrace.... I traveled by bus from Brentwood to Claremont...I loved Hairdressing and did well in that field....I eventually got another transfer to Brentwood ....I loved it there as well my boss was a great teacher particurlarly in cutting.... my pay was 2 pound something......many a penny stick was bought from that.
Penny sticks are what is called musk sticks now, except they were harder and nicer and would last for ages.
hhmmmm could do with one now it's 7.30pm and I haven't yet had dinner.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

My magnificent obsession with Nature

The simplicity complexity and the colour of Nature...I could spend many hours just looking at them.

How could we ever not acknowledge one greater then us. The world can be in chaos but there are some things that stay the same. Thank Goodness.

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