She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

Monday, May 30, 2011

The tall one is my Boy !!!!!!

What I love the most is right at the end he plays his harmonica, only for a second that is recorded though.....he told us that throughout the 45 minute programme he plays about seven songs with his harmonica...which he plays so well...... This video was taken from someones iphone so not a very good reception.
He is having a lot of success with this act and can make good money for just 45 minutes....good on ya !!!

Blues Brothers Revue - Perth

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Boy's Birthday

I  am immortalizing my oldest Boys Birthday , which is today, he is 45 a great milestone and one I remember well..... I was soooo overjoyed to be pregnant, both George and I were. We were on our way to making a family other then pregnancy went well I did all the right things and apart from feeling very sick in those early months all was well.....actually I had to give up work as I needed to travel by bus to the Salon where I worked as a hairdresser that trip ended up in me vomiting nearly each time...all to much. So work finished. I loved how my belly grew...My Mother told me that I walked like a 8 month pregnant lady at 6 weeks...I wanted the world to know that I was having a joyous occasion happening within me...funny girl I was !!!!! I can remember so vivedly when I first felt life...George and I had just moved from East Perth to was a busy and tiring day...and in the early evening we were laying on the lawn out the front...I was on my stomach and I felt like I had a butterly within me....oh my gosh the joy we both felt that evening
In those days there was not a thing like ultrasounds just went on dates and the Dr. feeling whether you were right to deliver...My Dr. felt that I was overdue and so booked me into hospital to have my waters broken......the labour was long and hard I think that if you go to East Fremantle Maternity Hospital, you will find a stone pillar with teeth marks in it, in those days Husbands were not invited in to witness all the happenings like you being in intense and yucky pain .......the labour lasted 36 hours with a little break in between where it all stopped all together for about an hour.....only to begin with bearing down ready for the birth ...most unusual really.....Poor Jack was exhausted and so was I, his little heart started to give out midway to him being born and so all panic and an immediate cut was made and him pulled out......not like Katie where I was flying high on super something...but it was an experience that was felt...if you know what I mean...he needed some resuscitation but was alright.....I was told by the nursing staff that he was a bit prem.......he weighed 6.15lbs......I had many many stitches and vowed that I was NEVER having another baby !!!!
He was perfect in everyway..I loved him so much that at times my heart felt like it was going to burst.
I took him everywhere and loved looking after him...I showed him off to would think that no one ever had a child before....I bet I drew a smile from many.
Jack has had many heartaches which he was innocent of, sometimes the adults that have children are children themselves and cause their most precious gifts
to experience life much harder then they should.
Such was my Boys experience.......
He is a Man now showing the world how to be a marvelous parent to his two boys, who he lives heart is full of pride as I see him being a Father that anyone could be proud of.
It is an honour to call him Son. He is the most optimistic person other then my Tony I know...and I learn much from him, there is not much that gets him down maybe a kidney stone or two..that seems to have gone now... I love him with all my heart and wish him to meet a wonderful Lady and life...Tony and I think HE IS THE BEST EVER........
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Kobi's Car

This one is for Manly......Kobi made this police car at School and he described the car to his Mum as a FAST !!!! Police Car Fast was the key word here as he said it really FAST.....very cute and a great little car as well.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Craft Fair 2

I knew that my good friend was going to be at the Fair and seeing that I had waken early like 5 am I thought I'm going to surprise her...... I trained in which is so easy wasn't sure exactly the stop but I just followed the throng of women !!!!!
On the train I thought I'll read my Scriptures on my iphone which I did for about 6 verses and my phone cut out I had run out of how on earth am I going to contact Gayle to tell her I was there......I had a little prayer and asked if Heavenly Father would lead us to one with faith I toddled of and enjoying the many talents of others.
I was there I guess about ten minutes when I happened to turn around as I could feel someone going to pass me and it was Vanessa...what a fabulous joy and what a bonus......she was heading off to do a class...would you believe MESH BAGS !!!! I said go if you want..but first let me show you what they look like from the Mesh Bag Stand...her expression was "Oh ok, I don't think I will go".Pam will appreciate that comment !!!!! I asked to use her phone to ring Gayle...but Gayle's phone was turned off..... We wandered around to a stand I wanted to go to, which was to watch a demo on landscaping.....then I heard "I would recognize that back from anywhere" and it was my friend Gayle and her pal.......Thank You Heavenly Father I got to see  my friend.....we arranged to meet for lunch...but I told her I may not get there as I had such a feeling of exhaustion come over me and my back was after all that....... I stayed for about an 1  1/2 and went home and flopped into bed for the rest of the day....So my big idea and plan did happen but I didn't have the staying power.......brilliant to have bumped into Van and then Gayle and enjoyed the time I was there but bombed out early.
Vanessa and I were fascinated with a demo using paper serviettes that make up wonderful covers for journals etc...... so of course we bought the glue, now everyone can expect a magnificent present...well maybe !!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Craft Fair

We ...Pam and I had a wonderful morning...we drove in and found a car park that was full even at 8.55 am
we quickly found another though...even so early the Fair was already packed......So many wonderful exhibitions and we loved all of them.... Except the making of a  mesh bag which we sat in the demo for.....only to get a good seat for the one and only "Arm Knitting"....we were smart in sitting in that class as the next class was full, many standing along the wall......I had my note pad ready to take the all important notes......oh how disappointing as the demo was her casting on 7 stitches using her hands as needles and then she had others come up to try it and that was the whole class......she though was very talented and there certainly was a lot of interest in her stand....gosh the money that is spent at the Fair is something else !!!
We did find some wonderful wool and scarves will be made...... love doing scarves as I am a  person who loves doing things that I can finish the same day or usual I had big dreams of me doing big projects...that NEVER get done.....all in all it was fun and worth going to. A cup of soup and hot chocolate and many laughs and off we went home....

Sunday, May 15, 2011


We are blessed with an abundance of grateful I am.
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Grandma's new popping machine

I can't believe that it's been a whole week since I entered a's not that my life hasn't had wonderful things in it for the week...somehow I just haven't gotten around to it.....
Tony gave me some money for my Birthday and Mother's Day...ohhh what did I want that the whole family could enjoy.....I saw this you beaut corn popping machine and thought this is it....also great to eat when we are trying to get of sugar.....might add with no luck what so ever......I have made several batches and the getting of sugar thing...well I have a great recipe for Candied Popcorn from a lovely Lady called Lucille Nokelby...and unfortunately we love it !!!!! 2 cups of sugar 1/2 cup of water 1 tblsp of butter... boil until syrup reaches 240 deg or until soft ball stage...meaning if you get a little of the syrup and put it in a little bit of cold water it should turn into a soft ball...... pour over the popped corn..hmmmm thought I would put in the recipe just in case you might love it to...... luckily we have only had that twice.... the children asked for it the second time...encouraged by me !!!!!.
It is so hard to get off sugar never knew it to be so hard...much easier when one is younger....

At last I can actually say it feels like winter in the evenings....this has been the longest hottest summer ever !!!
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Haka Mac Donald Style

Today being Mother's day and out of the goodness of Nic and Sione, the little ones put on a show for us Mum's ...Nanna came over as well, that was good...whenever a Mac Donald Show is put on it is always finished off with the Haka....some really good faces but look at little Pene's stance !!!! Little Manly was so good at this as well....missing them.

Below Pene is doing her trick...she stayed there for ages on her little tippy toes...we are all waiting for maybe a roll over or something but she just stayed there.

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Great way

To get ones shoulders massaged ...pity Grandma didn't fit on there.
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Friday, May 6, 2011

A Skype Picture

Here is Naomi in Seattle as you can see it was taken while we were talking the other day...not a real good photo must do it with my camera next..... Manly got a new bike and neither his Dad or Grandad could had the right tools to put the seat on securely so everytime he sat on it, it moved back or here he is he went into the tool cupboard and got out a tool and was fixing it himself....clever lad...takes after the Mac Donalds

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The number 3

Today is our wedding anniversary we have been married 33 wonderful years, it's the 3rd today and we live in number 33 so does two of our daughters, two of the others live in number 31 different streets.....Tony is 63.... Today is the third day of the week...and I'm 66.......I think thats all...pretty amazing hey !!!

The Joy of nature

Not everyone would see the beauty of this tree but I love it...and it's right across the reminds me of the complexities of life and it's many facets......

Little Lacey would run and do her little thing and come back and grab Papa's hand...she melts your heart with her cute little ways...and Papa love every minute of it.

This is the Chinese Rotunda that our family cleaned and scrubbed last Easter's the place we sit after each walk and share the joys of the day...I'm sure the Chinese Ancestors don't mind...not sure about the living ones...but the time of day we go we always find it empty......been up since before 4 am...have three little darlings sleeping over..we put the lounge room cushions on the floor and pillows and blankets ...just went to check them to see if they are covered and there is Hector right in the middle snug and warm and NOT budging no matter how I try to entice him to get off.
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