She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter 2012

Only a little part of it so far.....The first activity was something that Nic and Sione ......which was held at the Park that is not to far from our home....little Naomi was the Bunny Rabbit ....with a basket full of chocolates yum!!!! This little man makes us laugh so much he so often will just sit and do his own thing away from anyone.....what makes this little darling so happily sit by himself....oh he would every now and then get a few Easter Eggs and happily eat them......Little Lacey came well prepared for the day back pack and all.........This was a question and answer game......Jack was our Leader in my team ......we lost because we were on the dumb side unfortunately...... With each wrong answer .....poor Jack got weights put on until it just got to much.....great fun and laughter


  1. Looks like a lot of fun :)
    Lucky you had Jack to hold those weights !!!

  2. This is such so inspiring.
    Think our family need to do it also.
    Go the MacDonalds!
