She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Orange Creeper oh no !!

Oh yes it does look beautiful and each year it was a sight to behold...

But it killed everything underneath and took over everywhere......I asked My Tony to cut it back a little and as he got into it the truth be known....there were layers of dead growth each year I would admire it and then the next year the same ...I never thought of what happened to last years we know it died as one whole layer.....thick and stringy and suffocating everything..... it took Tony 8 hours of hard labour trying to pull it away...the next day he was out in it again several more hours.

As much of this pile lies out here the same amount lay in a trailer and on the other side of the fence....So his little job turned out to be a huge job...poor darling and I did have a list of other jobs that needed to be done.......I'm not sure that he is excited about all that..... as he is nursing some cuts and blisters.........good analogy...not everything that looks so gorgeous on the outside is so gorgeous underneath !!

If you look beyond the fence you will see the other pile and in the trailerPosted by Picasa


  1. So the next job on the list is to replant the now empty garden bed - right???

  2. We are constantly finding that we are cutting/pruning/removing/planting/trimming etc at the moment. I can empathise with this big time.

    One more thing, if you ever feel the desire to plant comfrey, do it in a tub like you would mint!!!
    It has taken over half our orchard.
