Today is our girls Birthday...let me tell you a little about her and the day or rather night she was born.
It was the Eve of St Nicholas and we were celebrating it with little presents and the story surrounding St Nic and what happens on that day in Holland.....Years before the night Van was born, The Grader Family who lived in Kalgoorlie for awhile, would celebrate St Nicholas Eve on the 5th of Dec with us.... actually they introduced it to us......We always had the jingle sound and have the children standing in certain places and draw there attention to the sound and of course they were full of excitement and then Tony or someone pre-arranged
would throw over the fence or whatever lollies and Peppernotjes.
Luckily all that had finished and we were at the eating part...I was 9 months pregnant and lo and behold my waters broke...our celebration quickly drew to a halt and we immediately went to the Hospital as Labour had started pretty well full on.
Only a short time after that our Vanessa was born......What an amazing wonderful joy.... another beautiful girl ....perfect in everyway..... golden hair and so pretty.......We were both very relieved, as we weren't sure if all would be well.
After we had Rebecca...I became pregnant had the tests etc and at 8 weeks as we were travelling to Perth I had the most severe cramps....that lasted all the way to Perth...Tony had to stop many times throughout our journey as I just needed to get out and stretch and go into the bush find a private place and go to the toilet and have a little silent scream!!!!!.......gosh the cramps were so bad and of course we were worried.
We arrived at Mum and Dad's where again I needed to go to the toilet and that is where I had a miscarriage.
I went to the Dr and he advised me to have a Curette ...which I did after we had gone to Eneabba to visit Tony's Brother and Sister in Law Don and Jan.......Even though it was lovely to be there we were feeling strange and a bit bewildered and of course sad..but didn't tell anyone...we didn't want any attention on it... told them later of course............Had the D.C. but my body just wouldn't stop cramping etc. so I ended up having two more Curettes..until a Specialist told me to just let it all settle and not have anymore interference...........I did fall pregnant again not long after with Vanessa but after about 2 months or so I started bleeding..I was put into Hospital for complete bedrest......stayed there about two weeks and was allowed home but with limited housework duties..... Honor my friend was so good to me at that time.....So you can see we were a little worried.....But with Heavenly Father's help all went well and we had a healthy baby.
Vanessa has and is a joy..she is a marvelous Mother and Wife...She is a person who has a strong sense for right and wrong and her children are lucky to have such a conscientious Mother.
She has a fabulous sense of fun and humour...We love being around her when she is like this as she just makes everything so joyous...... She is diligent in all that she does....She is a hard worker I mean a really hard worker like a man.....there is nothing that girl can't put her hand to...moving huge rocks to delicate cross stitch ...A possessions that takes such pride in our Home is a cross stitch that she made for my 60th....intricate and huge ..she did it in 4 months.... her husband Brendon said that there was not a moment that she had to spare that she didn't pick up this work to finish before my Birthday......which she did......She studies and learns about everything .....a simple explanation may not be sufficient...but we all know that she will do a research on it.......She is a lover of Learning and we love her for it..... She is organised and will help anyone...I have often found when talking to people that when they were in difficulty...... Vanessa helped them in some way .....After we had her and it being so close to Christmas we had Carolers knocking on our door in Kal....we all went outside and I was holding our little babe in my arms and felt so blessed and felt like I was holding a Holy Child.......I remember at her Baby blessing..... She was told that she would be an example to all her Brothers and Sisters..I felt that extended beyond her family.
How Blessed are we to have such an amazing person in our Family and we can call her OURS.
It was the Eve of St Nicholas and we were celebrating it with little presents and the story surrounding St Nic and what happens on that day in Holland.....Years before the night Van was born, The Grader Family who lived in Kalgoorlie for awhile, would celebrate St Nicholas Eve on the 5th of Dec with us.... actually they introduced it to us......We always had the jingle sound and have the children standing in certain places and draw there attention to the sound and of course they were full of excitement and then Tony or someone pre-arranged
Luckily all that had finished and we were at the eating part...I was 9 months pregnant and lo and behold my waters broke...our celebration quickly drew to a halt and we immediately went to the Hospital as Labour had started pretty well full on.
Only a short time after that our Vanessa was born......What an amazing wonderful joy.... another beautiful girl ....perfect in everyway..... golden hair and so pretty.......We were both very relieved, as we weren't sure if all would be well.
After we had Rebecca...I became pregnant had the tests etc and at 8 weeks as we were travelling to Perth I had the most severe cramps....that lasted all the way to Perth...Tony had to stop many times throughout our journey as I just needed to get out and stretch and go into the bush find a private place and go to the toilet and have a little silent scream!!!!!.......gosh the cramps were so bad and of course we were worried.
We arrived at Mum and Dad's where again I needed to go to the toilet and that is where I had a miscarriage.
I went to the Dr and he advised me to have a Curette ...which I did after we had gone to Eneabba to visit Tony's Brother and Sister in Law Don and Jan.......Even though it was lovely to be there we were feeling strange and a bit bewildered and of course sad..but didn't tell anyone...we didn't want any attention on it... told them later of course............Had the D.C. but my body just wouldn't stop cramping etc. so I ended up having two more Curettes..until a Specialist told me to just let it all settle and not have anymore interference...........I did fall pregnant again not long after with Vanessa but after about 2 months or so I started bleeding..I was put into Hospital for complete bedrest......stayed there about two weeks and was allowed home but with limited housework duties..... Honor my friend was so good to me at that time.....So you can see we were a little worried.....But with Heavenly Father's help all went well and we had a healthy baby.
Vanessa has and is a joy..she is a marvelous Mother and Wife...She is a person who has a strong sense for right and wrong and her children are lucky to have such a conscientious Mother.
She has a fabulous sense of fun and humour...We love being around her when she is like this as she just makes everything so joyous...... She is diligent in all that she does....She is a hard worker I mean a really hard worker like a man.....there is nothing that girl can't put her hand to...moving huge rocks to delicate cross stitch ...A possessions that takes such pride in our Home is a cross stitch that she made for my 60th....intricate and huge ..she did it in 4 months.... her husband Brendon said that there was not a moment that she had to spare that she didn't pick up this work to finish before my Birthday......which she did......She studies and learns about everything .....a simple explanation may not be sufficient...but we all know that she will do a research on it.......She is a lover of Learning and we love her for it..... She is organised and will help anyone...I have often found when talking to people that when they were in difficulty...... Vanessa helped them in some way .....After we had her and it being so close to Christmas we had Carolers knocking on our door in Kal....we all went outside and I was holding our little babe in my arms and felt so blessed and felt like I was holding a Holy Child.......I remember at her Baby blessing..... She was told that she would be an example to all her Brothers and Sisters..I felt that extended beyond her family.
How Blessed are we to have such an amazing person in our Family and we can call her OURS.
Happy Birthday Vanessa xxx