She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
An amazing day of taking Photo's
Monday, October 14, 2013
Truly Grateful
Saturday night and Sunday morning was spent in watching 3 Sessions of October Conference....I was alone and because of that I could absorb and learn without thinking of anything but that is not saying that I could not have done that with Tony as he never makes demands but I am still always mindful of him....
I loved them all so far...BUT Sunday Morning Session had an amazing affect I don't think that I have felt like this before about a Session each talk resounded in my heart and I felt like I could understand and relate and felt inspired moved my soul to another place of understanding..During Elder Scott's talk....I could see that in my life, I have made some really significant good decisions and listened and obeyed the promptings of the Spirit that has had so many positive outcomes and had I chosen the other path ....well goodness knows...
I don't think that I would be in the place I am in now....during the talk many of these situations came to mind.....never thought of them before as being as significant as they were in my life...his talk was a masterful talk for me.....I will be listening to it again and some.
How blessed we are to have such privileges as we have..... just by being in the Church and partaking of these blessings....I Love my Heavenly Father and I truly felt HIS Love for me.
I Thank Him for Inspiration and for Humble Men and Women who listen and are obedient to it.
I feel a more determined effort in my Soul to do and be better.
My Heart is bursting with Gratitude
I went and had lunch with Nic, Sione and Family...Punai, Sione's brother was here from Tonga he left to go back to Tonga this morning and they had a farewell lunch and in the evening we all had a Family Home Evening together Tongan style a song a prayer a Spiritual thought and then everyone has a turn in saying something...mainly what they are grateful for but last night it was thoughts about Punai then song and prayer....also a few children's games were included...I guess the only difference is that each person says something going around in the circle.......that never changes
Little Anthony is coming around in a few minutes and it is now his turn to spend time with Grandma and yes we are going to the it with one and I need to do it with all...I can hear him coming his so cute and adorable and so very funny in the things he says and does...will have a marvelous day...lucky me x
I loved them all so far...BUT Sunday Morning Session had an amazing affect I don't think that I have felt like this before about a Session each talk resounded in my heart and I felt like I could understand and relate and felt inspired moved my soul to another place of understanding..During Elder Scott's talk....I could see that in my life, I have made some really significant good decisions and listened and obeyed the promptings of the Spirit that has had so many positive outcomes and had I chosen the other path ....well goodness knows...
I don't think that I would be in the place I am in now....during the talk many of these situations came to mind.....never thought of them before as being as significant as they were in my life...his talk was a masterful talk for me.....I will be listening to it again and some.
How blessed we are to have such privileges as we have..... just by being in the Church and partaking of these blessings....I Love my Heavenly Father and I truly felt HIS Love for me.
I Thank Him for Inspiration and for Humble Men and Women who listen and are obedient to it.
I feel a more determined effort in my Soul to do and be better.
My Heart is bursting with Gratitude
I went and had lunch with Nic, Sione and Family...Punai, Sione's brother was here from Tonga he left to go back to Tonga this morning and they had a farewell lunch and in the evening we all had a Family Home Evening together Tongan style a song a prayer a Spiritual thought and then everyone has a turn in saying something...mainly what they are grateful for but last night it was thoughts about Punai then song and prayer....also a few children's games were included...I guess the only difference is that each person says something going around in the circle.......that never changes
Little Anthony is coming around in a few minutes and it is now his turn to spend time with Grandma and yes we are going to the it with one and I need to do it with all...I can hear him coming his so cute and adorable and so very funny in the things he says and does...will have a marvelous day...lucky me x
Saturday, October 12, 2013
An exhausting and brilliant week
We had 24 for Dinner last Sunday and I Cooked all except for the Sweets....I wanted to do this and thoroughly enjoyed it ...all prepared on Saturday...we played cards after while the kids played there games.
Monday Tony went up North so sad..... I will never get used to it or like it.
After dropping him off I picked up Sharli and Ady for a sleepover ....I asked them if they wanted me to take them to a Movie or they could spend the money that I would have spent on buying something for themselves ..... so we shopped the next day....that was the precedent then for the rest of the week as none of our Grandchildren wanted the Movies but rather spend the money in buying toys.....won't ask that question again as I ended up spending much more then I would have on a Movie and once it is done for one the whole lot of them had to have the same otherwise it isn't fair.
We had fun...they were often arm in arm singing and dancing...... me joining in with this crazy song they were singing........they got on really well...I enjoyed having them.
Took the girls home and picked up Jacob Kobi and Manly for the next night's sleepover and yes a shop trip...the boys were very independant and played with their toys and watched some T.V....easy night and great fun as well.
Dropped them off and picked up Lacey and Peni...this was harder two little ones having their first sleepover...this time I took them to the shop first as I wan't sure if they would last the night....they knew exactly what they wanted...we then went to Mc Donalds for dinner.....Lacey laid on my lap and fell asleep for a little while then asked to go to bed WOW !!! this is brilliant took her to bed and she fell asleep Peni then laid on my lap and after about half and hour wanted to go to bed as well....Lacey somehow had pulled over all the covers and even though I was really gentle in pulling them back to cover Peni .....Lacey woke up
she said that she wanted to go home and no amount of trying to talk her into staying would change her mind then Peni said she wanted to go home as I piled them into the car and took them home...Peni all the way next door!!!!! Lacey on getting home thought that she had had a full night's sleep and wanted to now play with her toys...she wouldn't believe that she didn't have a full night's sleep she thought it was morning and time to play with her new toy......I came home and crashed I was exhausted !!! when Tone rang I told him that I was even too tired to talk to him it was 8.30 p.m. and I stayed in bed till 1.30.p.m. the next was then time to get ready for the next two Maya and Naomi ..when I took Naomi to K Mart she walked down one aisle and said there is nothing here that I want...I told her sorry darling you either get something here or we go home.....of course she did buy her gift...
Both the girls were the most active and played with seemed that I have ....AND left everything out that they played with... all had to be cleaned up after but what a job...I let them build a Cubby Houses in my Lounge Room every pillow every blanket was used that I had...and the whole floor was covered with them.....I had to turn away and resist reacting to it all...not used to stuff being everywhere....they had fun and I tried to have fun but by this time I was past exhaustion and thought I could never do this again..Things are not the same when your looking at 70 yrs.......The reason for the whole week was because it will not happen again for a long while because Vanessa, Brendon and children will be living in Mt Gambier for 5 years........
Now I am alone and I hate that to...I can rest when I want but I long to have the laughter of little children or my darling's voice next to me which of course I prefer....
Watched a Session of Conferance today and will watch another tonight.....thoroughly enjoy that....
Tomorrow big Lunch at Nic's next door..Sione's Brother is over from Tonga and will go home Monday...Glad it's not at my place !! Going to watch another Session from Conferance now
Monday Tony went up North so sad..... I will never get used to it or like it.
After dropping him off I picked up Sharli and Ady for a sleepover ....I asked them if they wanted me to take them to a Movie or they could spend the money that I would have spent on buying something for themselves ..... so we shopped the next day....that was the precedent then for the rest of the week as none of our Grandchildren wanted the Movies but rather spend the money in buying toys.....won't ask that question again as I ended up spending much more then I would have on a Movie and once it is done for one the whole lot of them had to have the same otherwise it isn't fair.
We had fun...they were often arm in arm singing and dancing...... me joining in with this crazy song they were singing........they got on really well...I enjoyed having them.
Took the girls home and picked up Jacob Kobi and Manly for the next night's sleepover and yes a shop trip...the boys were very independant and played with their toys and watched some T.V....easy night and great fun as well.
Dropped them off and picked up Lacey and Peni...this was harder two little ones having their first sleepover...this time I took them to the shop first as I wan't sure if they would last the night....they knew exactly what they wanted...we then went to Mc Donalds for dinner.....Lacey laid on my lap and fell asleep for a little while then asked to go to bed WOW !!! this is brilliant took her to bed and she fell asleep Peni then laid on my lap and after about half and hour wanted to go to bed as well....Lacey somehow had pulled over all the covers and even though I was really gentle in pulling them back to cover Peni .....Lacey woke up
she said that she wanted to go home and no amount of trying to talk her into staying would change her mind then Peni said she wanted to go home as I piled them into the car and took them home...Peni all the way next door!!!!! Lacey on getting home thought that she had had a full night's sleep and wanted to now play with her toys...she wouldn't believe that she didn't have a full night's sleep she thought it was morning and time to play with her new toy......I came home and crashed I was exhausted !!! when Tone rang I told him that I was even too tired to talk to him it was 8.30 p.m. and I stayed in bed till 1.30.p.m. the next was then time to get ready for the next two Maya and Naomi ..when I took Naomi to K Mart she walked down one aisle and said there is nothing here that I want...I told her sorry darling you either get something here or we go home.....of course she did buy her gift...
Both the girls were the most active and played with seemed that I have ....AND left everything out that they played with... all had to be cleaned up after but what a job...I let them build a Cubby Houses in my Lounge Room every pillow every blanket was used that I had...and the whole floor was covered with them.....I had to turn away and resist reacting to it all...not used to stuff being everywhere....they had fun and I tried to have fun but by this time I was past exhaustion and thought I could never do this again..Things are not the same when your looking at 70 yrs.......The reason for the whole week was because it will not happen again for a long while because Vanessa, Brendon and children will be living in Mt Gambier for 5 years........
Now I am alone and I hate that to...I can rest when I want but I long to have the laughter of little children or my darling's voice next to me which of course I prefer....
Watched a Session of Conferance today and will watch another tonight.....thoroughly enjoy that....
Tomorrow big Lunch at Nic's next door..Sione's Brother is over from Tonga and will go home Monday...Glad it's not at my place !! Going to watch another Session from Conferance now
Saturday, October 5, 2013
You know that you are getting old
When you stoop to tie your shoe laces and wonder what else you can do while your'e down there....well that was me the other night....I thought while I was down here I might as well clean that patch of Kitchen floor with a wet cloth in hand....only my foot started slipping on the floor one way as the other went the other way and before long I was heading for the splits a range of distance never done before...Oh my gosh what to do !!! for some silly reason I didn't call out to Tony who was only metres away but out of sight.....I grabbed hold of a drawer which in turn opened and hit my knee so I held on to a cupboard handle and that thing opened as well and hit my other knee....eventually I managed to pull myself up plopped next to Tony and said I just fell...he said I didn't hear a thing why didn't you call me....Why I didn't I don't know he would have just pulled me up sort of......anyway I have two sore knees a back that got wrenched and a vow that whenever down there doing something that I will not find another thing to do!!!!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Amazing Technology
Last Sunday 4 Canada...Caleb received his Priesthood.....6 a.m. Monday here in Perth we watched via Skype and Ipad.......Vanessa and Brendon and Family watched from Mt Gambier at about 7.30 a.m., George Katie's Dad watched from Geraldton, Court's Parents watched from their home and we watched from was so very touching and wonderful as their Bishop and Young Men's President and Court gave him that blessing.....My little Man is sure growing even though they are far away we were close that day and how grateful and wonderful it was to participate...Congratulations Caleb.....He will be a Man among Men. Yes I have always known that.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Greenmount's Bishops
Greenmount Ward had it's 30th Anniversary this September's quite amazing that all the past Bishops still live here...this is not the order of their time of Service lets see if I can remember 1st it was Bishop Hall then Bishop Brown 3rd from right then Bishop Sheppard
5th from right then Bishop Hall again then Bishop Balfour 2nd from right then Bishop Mac Donald 6th from right My wonderful man then Bishop Saxon 4th from right then Bishop Armitage our present Bishop standing at the end of the row.....For us it was a privelage for Tony to serve in this capacity.... an honor and not a sacrifice at all ....our Testimonies grew and our Love grew for the Gopsel and each other....Tony served for 6 years
Nic's Flight
This was the BIG Day although anyone that was there would have thought that it was Sione's BIG Day...Nic was calm and excited I was to after Tony had to re assure me she would be ok....there is a lot of preperation that goes into getting the plane in the air..I was surprised to hear that the plane is one year less older then me so it is 68...WOW !!! it's amazing that it is still doing so well better then me !!! he had to have someone help him start the engine as the battery was a bit flat even though he had charged it the day before...bit of a worry !!! but all went well although she came back earlier then expected and while we were sitting in the Cafe enjoying a Muzz Buzz Drink....she told us later that he went over the ocean and turned the plane upside down stalled the engine as they do and a few more twirls etc and she felt sick....and vomited lucky he had given her a bag just in case...she said that she was glad that she had done it but would not do it again....good on her for trying...He is the owner of Muzz Buzz and kindly donated a flight to the highest bidder for the youth fun raiser..we won and Tony gave it to any of the girls who wanted the experience Nic was the only one....
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