I think that the most predominate feeling in my heart is Gratefulness ....So many rich blessings I am so happy to have.
I took the time to look over our Easter events and thought none of the activities cost money except petrol when we drove around Midland and a few lollies ....brooms and straws and weights which Sione already had....plastic thingys etc......yet it was such a fun day...which everyone enjoyed.....I wish that every family if they could ....do things like this....it's so good to laugh and play.
Takes effort though to organize some of it....but totally worth it all.
Have been a bit to busy and I'm sure paying for it now...must go and rest this body of mine. had my day planned but none of it is going to happen.
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
Monday, April 23, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Cannot leave anyone out
Had to make sure that everyones photo was included
Sione and his efferescent smile...his a delight, Bec and her turn to protect the bottle ...no chance with Sione
Always the same ...the little kids in the middle and they get swung from side to side.....guess who wasn't happy
All the adults from 12 upwards go out for a meal Saturday of Easter....this time we went to Hogs Breath last year it was Chatters the couple of years before it wa the Vines Resteraunt in Cottlesloe....Papa pays if we can afford it
picture didn't turn out clear the man who took it didn't wiat for the Camera to focus
picture didn't turn out clear the man who took it didn't wiat for the Camera to focus
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Yes still on Easter
Tony had many games organised once we got back to our Home and this was one of them .....the object was to blow a ping pong ball with a straw from one side of our yard to the other this was an adult challenge....and when they had finished I turned around to see this...he never did budge the ball so in the end he picked it up and threw it across the yard !!!
Jordan and the Holders were sorely missed that day.
One activity that we had I for some reason never took photo's of...but it was great it was organised this year by the Winter Family...we all had one hour and had a list of things to get or smell or do throughout Midland such thing take a photo of the Metal People...let you guess where that is !!!! we found it....when does the next train leave from Midland.....where were Family Photo's taken...actually that was where the new Police Staion is now....see if you can find an old shoe
or thong or any footwear along the side of the road...listen for a siren and record it..now with mobile phones everything is possible......record the sound of rusttleling leaves....find pig melons record a dog barking...there was a list of 30 things and whoever came back witht he most things got a prize...Bec and Matt won we came third...yeah !!!
The three boys wanted to come in our car and sooooo I just sat and directed that suited me fine...even with the minimal activity I did my leg still ached like crazy that night...but hey it was worth every bit of effort.......We had Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner and Salads....why Kentucky Fried Chicken we do that each Easter and that was something that my Mother did each year and even though I don't really like it...we will cary on with that tradition..........Later that evening we ended with a Testimony Meeting....remembering the real meaning of Easter......
One activity that we had I for some reason never took photo's of...but it was great it was organised this year by the Winter Family...we all had one hour and had a list of things to get or smell or do throughout Midland such thing take a photo of the Metal People...let you guess where that is !!!! we found it....when does the next train leave from Midland.....where were Family Photo's taken...actually that was where the new Police Staion is now....see if you can find an old shoe
The three boys wanted to come in our car and sooooo I just sat and directed that suited me fine...even with the minimal activity I did my leg still ached like crazy that night...but hey it was worth every bit of effort.......We had Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner and Salads....why Kentucky Fried Chicken we do that each Easter and that was something that my Mother did each year and even though I don't really like it...we will cary on with that tradition..........Later that evening we ended with a Testimony Meeting....remembering the real meaning of Easter......
Friday, April 20, 2012
It's still Easter 2012
Simple Fun
Brendon looked a bit dorky not sure if that is spelt right but you know what I'm saying actually the picture speaks for itself
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Easter 2012
Only a little part of it so far.....The first activity was something that Nic and Sione ......which was held at the Park that is not to far from our home....little Naomi was the Bunny Rabbit ....with a basket full of chocolates yum!!!! This little man makes us laugh so much he so often will just sit and do his own thing away from anyone.....what makes this little darling so happily sit by himself....oh he would every now and then get a few Easter Eggs and happily eat them......Little Lacey came well prepared for the day back pack and all.........This was a question and answer game......Jack was our Leader in my team ......we lost because we were on the dumb side unfortunately...... With each wrong answer .....poor Jack got weights put on until it just got to much.....great fun and laughter
Still not getting to my blog
I now have the little boys ...... that's how it is when it's school holidays. will get to it all soon so much to tell yet.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Alone again
So back to my blog will spend some time putting in Easter events and other things....but a little later...have two little girls here demanding my attention.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I have shed many tears
How can one say thanks to so many wonderful words.....
I can honestly say that my heart is full.
Those wonderful expressions have given me courage and hope and a resolve to do even better.
Every now and then you are given a blessing and I feel I have been blessed many times over.
Thank You to my Family.
I can honestly say that my heart is full.
Those wonderful expressions have given me courage and hope and a resolve to do even better.
Every now and then you are given a blessing and I feel I have been blessed many times over.
Thank You to my Family.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thoughts from your Family written by the other half.
To My Best Decision.
My Dear,
What do you get someone who has got:
Common Sense, Compassion, Wit, Integrity, Persistence, Patience, Sense of humour, Family Awareness.
And many more I can not think of at the moment. So I gave you TIME and hope you had a good day. I hope you have a great day regardless of who has a bad memory. May the Lord bless you with Health and Wisdom.
Luv Ya Your Spouse ( Tone)
To the best woman on this planet, love's ya Mum. So this is the best I come up with took me a couple of day's to find all the right word's so I give this as your birthday gift.
I hope you enjoy and find that you are all these things, are the key ingredients to you owning the Title of THE WORLDS BEST MUM
T= trustworthy
H= honest
E= earnest
W= wise
O = obedient
R= righteous
L= loving
D= determined
S= spiritual
E= everlasting
S= selfless
M= modest
M=matron ( to all )
Sorry for the lateness I've been very sick and dizzy and am just starting to feel better now. So now the second part to your gift is to let your son take you out to dinner.
Your Loving Son LGK
Thank you for all the help and support you have given me and my Family lately I know you will always be there if any of us need you.
You are such a wonderful example of obedience. You have shown us all how to live a life in line with the Gospel. You have so much love to give and your a great example of Charity
You are always trying to be a better person.
Thank you for being a loving, compassionate, beautiful Mother and Grandmother. I hope you have a fantastic day full of love and happiness.
Love you Always Rebecca
There were a pair of red high heel shoes. I thought that Mum was so fancy because she had this pair of shoes. I would go into her cupboard and try them on, feeling as if I was as fancy as she was. Necklaces and shoes surely meant this woman was fancy.
Our Kalgoorlie house felt like a mansion. We had big rooms and a back yard that provided entertainment. There was never any restrictions on what we could do. Well okay, we were made to fill in the hole that we were digging for the pool and not allowed to jump off the roof onto the trampoline ( I think we still kept doing it anyway ) Childhood was happy. Just plain happy, I think of the effort it took Mum to make it happy for us. It doesn't come easy I have realized. How she controlled her temper with 7 children of all ages doing all sorts of things I will never know. I only remember being smacked on my hand once....and that was when I had to join the queue with my other Sisters for whatever we had done! But it must have been big because it is the only memory of being told off by Mum that I have. She wasn't just a Mum to us but the many other Young Women and Women that fell in her realm of influence were affected by her Motherly ways. She showed us and other women how to live a life pleasing to God. Nothing was too much in the way of callings and prayers and scriptures were always said and read. It is true that we did not doubt because our Mother knew it.
I can see see now the many sacrifices that she has made over her life for her children.I have never heard Mum speak negatively about being a Mother. Even though we have all left home we find ourselves wanting Mum at those crucial times in our lives. She comforts and loves us like no one else can. For 67 years the world has been blessed by her presence and may there be so many more. Happy Birthday Mum lots of Love Vanessa
Let me tell you what I know about you, you love Dad he is your favourite person, you love cheese, you drink a lot of water, you love your Grandkids, you always wish you had more energy. You love the Gospel with your whole heart.
You have grown to love your parents more, you worry a lot about your children, you love to have a good laugh, You enjoy your friends. Gayle is really good at listening.
You get anxious about doing new things.
You love having the family over, but struggle with the tidy up after.You buy Nutella only when the kids stay over, but you make the most of it while it's in the house. You love wild flowers, you notice that a bunch of leaves have made a circle.
You don't like when Dad works away, but you try to keep busy.
You totally believe in the power of Prayer,
You don't like the heat mostly because it gives you a headache. You love a clean and orderly house.
Mum I could write more, I want you to know I see you your noticed, your loved!
I feel very blessed to have such a lovely Mum. Thanks for all you do.
To Mother Goose. I feel your age just as much as you do. I love your listening ears. They are always on and ready to hear, even when you are tired or unwell or exhausted from hearing someone else's burdens.
Those ears stay on and eager to hear. What a blessing to those that use those ears as compassion, empathy and an unwavering support flows from her. She is always on my side, always my biggest fan and won't stop worrying that Mother Goose head of hers about all of her Family.
I love her MOST. They all know it and that's ok because I need her cuddles still. Happy Birthday Laj.
My Dear,
What do you get someone who has got:
Common Sense, Compassion, Wit, Integrity, Persistence, Patience, Sense of humour, Family Awareness.
And many more I can not think of at the moment. So I gave you TIME and hope you had a good day. I hope you have a great day regardless of who has a bad memory. May the Lord bless you with Health and Wisdom.
Luv Ya Your Spouse ( Tone)
To the best woman on this planet, love's ya Mum. So this is the best I come up with took me a couple of day's to find all the right word's so I give this as your birthday gift.
I hope you enjoy and find that you are all these things, are the key ingredients to you owning the Title of THE WORLDS BEST MUM
T= trustworthy
H= honest
E= earnest
W= wise
O = obedient
R= righteous
L= loving
D= determined
S= spiritual
E= everlasting
S= selfless
M= modest
M=matron ( to all )
Sorry for the lateness I've been very sick and dizzy and am just starting to feel better now. So now the second part to your gift is to let your son take you out to dinner.
Your Loving Son LGK
Thank you for all the help and support you have given me and my Family lately I know you will always be there if any of us need you.
You are such a wonderful example of obedience. You have shown us all how to live a life in line with the Gospel. You have so much love to give and your a great example of Charity
You are always trying to be a better person.
Thank you for being a loving, compassionate, beautiful Mother and Grandmother. I hope you have a fantastic day full of love and happiness.
Love you Always Rebecca
There were a pair of red high heel shoes. I thought that Mum was so fancy because she had this pair of shoes. I would go into her cupboard and try them on, feeling as if I was as fancy as she was. Necklaces and shoes surely meant this woman was fancy.
Our Kalgoorlie house felt like a mansion. We had big rooms and a back yard that provided entertainment. There was never any restrictions on what we could do. Well okay, we were made to fill in the hole that we were digging for the pool and not allowed to jump off the roof onto the trampoline ( I think we still kept doing it anyway ) Childhood was happy. Just plain happy, I think of the effort it took Mum to make it happy for us. It doesn't come easy I have realized. How she controlled her temper with 7 children of all ages doing all sorts of things I will never know. I only remember being smacked on my hand once....and that was when I had to join the queue with my other Sisters for whatever we had done! But it must have been big because it is the only memory of being told off by Mum that I have. She wasn't just a Mum to us but the many other Young Women and Women that fell in her realm of influence were affected by her Motherly ways. She showed us and other women how to live a life pleasing to God. Nothing was too much in the way of callings and prayers and scriptures were always said and read. It is true that we did not doubt because our Mother knew it.
I can see see now the many sacrifices that she has made over her life for her children.I have never heard Mum speak negatively about being a Mother. Even though we have all left home we find ourselves wanting Mum at those crucial times in our lives. She comforts and loves us like no one else can. For 67 years the world has been blessed by her presence and may there be so many more. Happy Birthday Mum lots of Love Vanessa
Let me tell you what I know about you, you love Dad he is your favourite person, you love cheese, you drink a lot of water, you love your Grandkids, you always wish you had more energy. You love the Gospel with your whole heart.
You have grown to love your parents more, you worry a lot about your children, you love to have a good laugh, You enjoy your friends. Gayle is really good at listening.
You get anxious about doing new things.
You love having the family over, but struggle with the tidy up after.You buy Nutella only when the kids stay over, but you make the most of it while it's in the house. You love wild flowers, you notice that a bunch of leaves have made a circle.
You don't like when Dad works away, but you try to keep busy.
You totally believe in the power of Prayer,
You don't like the heat mostly because it gives you a headache. You love a clean and orderly house.
Mum I could write more, I want you to know I see you your noticed, your loved!
I feel very blessed to have such a lovely Mum. Thanks for all you do.
To Mother Goose. I feel your age just as much as you do. I love your listening ears. They are always on and ready to hear, even when you are tired or unwell or exhausted from hearing someone else's burdens.
Those ears stay on and eager to hear. What a blessing to those that use those ears as compassion, empathy and an unwavering support flows from her. She is always on my side, always my biggest fan and won't stop worrying that Mother Goose head of hers about all of her Family.
I love her MOST. They all know it and that's ok because I need her cuddles still. Happy Birthday Laj.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Happy 67th Birthday MUM, GRANDMA, WIFE & FRIEND!
Great Start
What a wonderful start to the day...... so many phone calls wishing me a Happy Birthday...does make one feel loved.....even one from Hospital from Nic...gosh that was a surprise to hear she was in emergency having her knee attended to...hope all will be well.....she has one of those Tongan Boils that she has left to late and now needs anti biotics via intravenous.
I have just had a double breakfast I had already had muesli and then Tony got me a Breakfast Subway...now I am full and happy.
Tony took the day off yesterday and we spent a day going to New Norcia and did a tour through the old Chapels, buildings and hearing the History surrounding it all...it was wonderful such old paintings as well.....we then had a bite and went to the Movies ...saw Salmon Fishing in Yemen and had dinner at Han's Cafe..... great Day and great day it will be today.
I have just had a double breakfast I had already had muesli and then Tony got me a Breakfast Subway...now I am full and happy.
Tony took the day off yesterday and we spent a day going to New Norcia and did a tour through the old Chapels, buildings and hearing the History surrounding it all...it was wonderful such old paintings as well.....we then had a bite and went to the Movies ...saw Salmon Fishing in Yemen and had dinner at Han's Cafe..... great Day and great day it will be today.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Had so much to say
I have been back for a few weeks now....it occurred to me that I had so many different things to write about while away...but apart from my Easter entry that will come...life has kinda settle back into some routine...and it becomes a bit mundane......not anything exciting to read about really......such as.....today is cleaning day from yesterdays great events and babysitting some little children as Nic and Sione are remodeling the Kitchen.....
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Where is Patch
What a gorgeous little outfit although you can hardly see him. Don't think he will need this in W.A.
Monday, April 2, 2012
A day with Tone
How lovely it is to be with my darling....spending the day going to lunch and a movie was wonderful..great movie...love Judy Dench and Maggie Smith...enjoy there acting.....now planning for our Family Easter.
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