It's been a wonderful Feb. and March. I have learnt much and life has and is good...wonderful travel seeing family a new baby born another adopted into our family..all adds up to....much joy.
I try to keep busy...but exhaustion has taken over some days....all I can do is rest..but then it's ok again.
I love having a busy life ...but age and ability really does dictate so much what I can do.
I thought that I would never travel again..... But I would thinking about it now.
I'm looking at Globe Trekker and it's on the Eastern part of Canada.....I love Canada is a place that I could have lived in when I was younger.
I was able to do some Family History this morning.....felt good doing it, I need to sort out some couples and families.
Just finished vacuuming and mopping..... it is now 11pm...not that I have been busy ...but more like a bit lazy!!!! Oh well.
Bought some paint and plants plan to do that Monday....but we will see.
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Now this is more like it !!!
Only in Tonga
Not quite the necklace I would wear but little Anthony wore it for hours...he wouldn't let anyone take it off him....this sea snake was floating near Anthony's Sione having seen these before..he grabbed it by the neck swung it around and whipped it like you would a whip.....oh by the way the are highly poisenous!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Blessing Day
You may notice what Pene is wearing to Church......Nic said that it was impossible to have her wear her Sunday Dress....She wanted to wear Manly's special outfit....that was really a meaningful outfit for her.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Entertainment
Nanna is 93
This amazing Lady was 93 on the 24th of March 2012...she is remarkable...fiercely independent.....her joy totally comes from her family.......She is a marvelous Mother to her sons, one whom she lost at his age of 39 which broke her's a bit of a fuzzy picture but you can see the light in her face...the light of a righteous woman......She looks at everything in a positive light, more so since she has gotten older....she has the constitution of a very strong person ...she has always looked after herself, always eaten the right food and been mindful of exercise....... we all can learn much from her and her wisdom......She is one eyed in regards to her Sons....... it is impossible for her to see anything else....they are lucky to have such a Mother in their corner all of their lives.....She adores her Grandchildren and her Great Grandchildren who put on a Concert for her today in the Park...Nanna is their biggest fan in Sport or any of their interests....
.I can remember each day when her children would come home from work or School (when her son's were little,) there would always be a pot of soup full of vegies ....come Summer or Winter......her children's health was all important..... She was and still would be if she could a hard worker I can remember that she must have been about 65 yrs old and she took on the project of painting the whole of the outside of the house in Kalgoorlie..... up and down ladders ...high in the air...gosh I struggle now to stand on a little ladder for fear of falling off.
She is brave, and at the ripe old age of being 84 she stood up to an intruder in her house...and once more the young lad left without having taken anything from her home.
I don't think that there is much this Lady could not do when .....except see any of her children was too much for her.
She has very strong views on things.....and absolutely loves Sport....particularly Cricket..she is a proud Australian...and loves men particularly those with strong legs !!! Sione does well.
She was the one Sister who was there for all of her siblings in their latter years...they have all departed now....oh but what a greeting she can look forward to when she meets up with her well loved parents and her adored Son and siblings.
Although she may yet live to be a 100 and get a special message from the Queen...we all hope so ...but do not want her to suffer in anyway.
This little Park is in Armadale it has become very meaningful to us all..I think that all of us would find it very hard to drive past this Park once she has there are so many memories attached to it.....I have grown to really love her....... I'm so grateful that she has been around for so long, as that feeling has taken some years to come.....but now I really admire, respect, and adore her......I think I needed to mature a little...... and she mellow a little.........It was a good day...we have all been richly blessed because she is still around to bless our lives.
.I can remember each day when her children would come home from work or School (when her son's were little,) there would always be a pot of soup full of vegies ....come Summer or Winter......her children's health was all important..... She was and still would be if she could a hard worker I can remember that she must have been about 65 yrs old and she took on the project of painting the whole of the outside of the house in Kalgoorlie..... up and down ladders ...high in the air...gosh I struggle now to stand on a little ladder for fear of falling off.
She is brave, and at the ripe old age of being 84 she stood up to an intruder in her house...and once more the young lad left without having taken anything from her home.
I don't think that there is much this Lady could not do when .....except see any of her children was too much for her.
She has very strong views on things.....and absolutely loves Sport....particularly Cricket..she is a proud Australian...and loves men particularly those with strong legs !!! Sione does well.
She was the one Sister who was there for all of her siblings in their latter years...they have all departed now....oh but what a greeting she can look forward to when she meets up with her well loved parents and her adored Son and siblings.
Although she may yet live to be a 100 and get a special message from the Queen...we all hope so ...but do not want her to suffer in anyway.
This little Park is in Armadale it has become very meaningful to us all..I think that all of us would find it very hard to drive past this Park once she has there are so many memories attached to it.....I have grown to really love her....... I'm so grateful that she has been around for so long, as that feeling has taken some years to come.....but now I really admire, respect, and adore her......I think I needed to mature a little...... and she mellow a little.........It was a good day...we have all been richly blessed because she is still around to bless our lives.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Hanoa Naki Punaivaha
Here are the photo's as promised of our new little Grandson ......can't wait to hug him as he is still in Tonga for now sorry don't know how to turn the picture around
Friday, March 23, 2012
Found it
I was searching and searching...ok not in this drawer no not in here either...oh what could I have done with it !!!!
I thought I think I have to think about getting another cheap mobile at the very moment I was looking in an obscure drawer and little cupboard...and lo and behold there it was ....looking back and trying to remember of any recollection in putting it there ......nope none !!!! it is my birthday soon another year older and yes another year with less brain cells.....what joy !
I thought I think I have to think about getting another cheap mobile at the very moment I was looking in an obscure drawer and little cupboard...and lo and behold there it was ....looking back and trying to remember of any recollection in putting it there ......nope none !!!! it is my birthday soon another year older and yes another year with less brain cells.....what joy !
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The whole of last year I have written something about each of my children on their Birthday I knew our Bec was the last...and on the 20th March her Birthday came and went and it wasn't till this morning when she reminded me that I hadn't written a write up about her....can't tell you how that saddens me..that I forgot this precious daughter. ( ROTTEN MOBILE) Let me tell you about the Photo's first..... the one above is one of my favourites, it captures her absolute beauty both inside and out.......she can light up a room and does...she has an inner quality of calmness and strength....that is not often a person......The below two pictures are when I visited my family in Holland and I asked Rebecca to come with me....we did this about 5 years ago....of course you can recognise where she is standing next to the mighty Eiffel Tower...lucky we came early enough before the huge crowd and also the Soldiers with their machine guns....Then below was in Holland ..
The story about Rebecca actually started before her birth....approximately 3 years before......I was living in Kalgoorlie...and not doing so well..I needed to sort my life out where it would be acceptable before my maker and ultimatley to me let alone for the children I already had....I was outside one day, it was early evening..I had been pondering about my life etc for I was walking back into the house and I can still remember the exact spot..I felt that Rebecca came to me to encourage me to straighten some things out..I knew the spiritual thing I was having ..... was to do with my future...but it wasn't till years later when I had Rebecca that it was her that came to me and that the future entailed her.......Tony and I met and it is a long story with many twists...but eventually we got married...3rd of May 1978....we had decided to try for children straight away...and we were hoping that all would be well as I had had some scary cells that had changed and that there may be a chance that I could not fall pregnant....... oh I was so disappointed when the first month came and gone...but the second month we found out that we were on our way in having a baby...we were over the moon......I had the normal sickness but really everything went well...I was so sure that I was having a boy..but two weeks before the birth Tony had a dream and he told me forget about the boy ...he actaully had seen the baby being born in a dream and that she was a girl.....we were thrilled to bits..but secretly I had wondered if the dream was real.........silly me I should have believed him....7 days before her birth...I went into Hospital as my hands, feet and wherever had swollen up so much that I could not even bend my fingers....I drove the car with an open hand..pretty uncomfortable and thinking back now rather dangerous..........after 7 days of total bed rest I had lost many many kilos of fluid ..... I was weighed each day...... wish that happened now hey!!!!!!! On the Monday I think it was they sent me home and by the early evening when Tony was at Judo....I started into some pretty hard the time he got home mobiles then !! I was ready to go to Hospital...but before I went there I asked him to take me to the Graders for a blessing...which he did..when I got to Hospital and they examined me I was 6 centimetres dilated and at 11.50 something p.m. Our beautiful daughter was born exactly how Tony had seen it in a dream. The birth went really well..but hey who can really glorify the birth except the part where you get to hold your child ...I was cleaned up and she was .... then she was brought around to me in my room...I inspected that she had ten little toes and ten little fingers all perfect.....Then for a small moment the veil was lifted from my mind and from her mind to mine she said..."Thank you for my Body" it was then that I realized that it was she who came to me so many years ago...I became very aware that it is not easy for a Spirit to control the body..the arm did not go where she wanted it to go etc...... the veil closed and I held my baby close and tight and offered up a very big thank you to our Heavenly Father.
The story about Rebecca actually started before her birth....approximately 3 years before......I was living in Kalgoorlie...and not doing so well..I needed to sort my life out where it would be acceptable before my maker and ultimatley to me let alone for the children I already had....I was outside one day, it was early evening..I had been pondering about my life etc for I was walking back into the house and I can still remember the exact spot..I felt that Rebecca came to me to encourage me to straighten some things out..I knew the spiritual thing I was having ..... was to do with my future...but it wasn't till years later when I had Rebecca that it was her that came to me and that the future entailed her.......Tony and I met and it is a long story with many twists...but eventually we got married...3rd of May 1978....we had decided to try for children straight away...and we were hoping that all would be well as I had had some scary cells that had changed and that there may be a chance that I could not fall pregnant....... oh I was so disappointed when the first month came and gone...but the second month we found out that we were on our way in having a baby...we were over the moon......I had the normal sickness but really everything went well...I was so sure that I was having a boy..but two weeks before the birth Tony had a dream and he told me forget about the boy ...he actaully had seen the baby being born in a dream and that she was a girl.....we were thrilled to bits..but secretly I had wondered if the dream was real.........silly me I should have believed him....7 days before her birth...I went into Hospital as my hands, feet and wherever had swollen up so much that I could not even bend my fingers....I drove the car with an open hand..pretty uncomfortable and thinking back now rather dangerous..........after 7 days of total bed rest I had lost many many kilos of fluid ..... I was weighed each day...... wish that happened now hey!!!!!!! On the Monday I think it was they sent me home and by the early evening when Tony was at Judo....I started into some pretty hard the time he got home mobiles then !! I was ready to go to Hospital...but before I went there I asked him to take me to the Graders for a blessing...which he did..when I got to Hospital and they examined me I was 6 centimetres dilated and at 11.50 something p.m. Our beautiful daughter was born exactly how Tony had seen it in a dream. The birth went really well..but hey who can really glorify the birth except the part where you get to hold your child ...I was cleaned up and she was .... then she was brought around to me in my room...I inspected that she had ten little toes and ten little fingers all perfect.....Then for a small moment the veil was lifted from my mind and from her mind to mine she said..."Thank you for my Body" it was then that I realized that it was she who came to me so many years ago...I became very aware that it is not easy for a Spirit to control the body..the arm did not go where she wanted it to go etc...... the veil closed and I held my baby close and tight and offered up a very big thank you to our Heavenly Father.
Rebecca is like the Sun shining she is and always has been a cheerful, delightful, child, adult...oh my gosh How could I ever Thank Heavenly Father enough for giving us her...She gives me strength and courage .... she has been blessed with natural wisdom.....
.We see her as a Mum and a Wife and her sweetness and seeing things as they are is something to behold, nothing is too much for her when serving her family......She has her challenges and handles them with so much optimism....and calmness......better then I do my own..........She is also intelligent..kind and can be totally random in her comments at times....we could be talking about a subject...can even be of a serious nature then all of a sudden Bec comes out with a comment thats off the subject totally and random..... because we all know her makes us all laugh....she is also not afraid to ask the tough questions......
When she was little she used to walk in little plastic drinking cups ...if you can imagine little toes and feet inside them and off she would go...very cute..she also had a blanky except it was a candlewick double bed green quilt...can you picture her dragging this big thing along...
One day I was wise enough to cut it up into smaller squares....
When we came to Perth once we called into a toy shop in Midland before we went back to Kal, it was about when we had driven into Mundaring she realized that blanky was gone....oh my gosh....after many tears we headed back to Midland in the hope we would find her blanket and lo and behold there it was still in the aisle...I'm sure if anyone would have gotten to it before we did it would have been thrown away......
.Three more children were to come after her...and of course with each one she was home when I went to Hospital....... after Naomi she said Mum please don't go away anymore.. poor darling.....she as well as I had had enough babies.......What do you say about a girl, woman now who has brought nothing more then joy into your life. Thank You seems inadequate ...I'm ever grateful that she is part of who we are and will always have our hearts full of gratitude for her life
.We see her as a Mum and a Wife and her sweetness and seeing things as they are is something to behold, nothing is too much for her when serving her family......She has her challenges and handles them with so much optimism....and calmness......better then I do my own..........She is also intelligent..kind and can be totally random in her comments at times....we could be talking about a subject...can even be of a serious nature then all of a sudden Bec comes out with a comment thats off the subject totally and random..... because we all know her makes us all laugh....she is also not afraid to ask the tough questions......
When she was little she used to walk in little plastic drinking cups ...if you can imagine little toes and feet inside them and off she would go...very cute..she also had a blanky except it was a candlewick double bed green quilt...can you picture her dragging this big thing along...
One day I was wise enough to cut it up into smaller squares....
When we came to Perth once we called into a toy shop in Midland before we went back to Kal, it was about when we had driven into Mundaring she realized that blanky was gone....oh my gosh....after many tears we headed back to Midland in the hope we would find her blanket and lo and behold there it was still in the aisle...I'm sure if anyone would have gotten to it before we did it would have been thrown away......
.Three more children were to come after her...and of course with each one she was home when I went to Hospital....... after Naomi she said Mum please don't go away anymore.. poor darling.....she as well as I had had enough babies.......What do you say about a girl, woman now who has brought nothing more then joy into your life. Thank You seems inadequate ...I'm ever grateful that she is part of who we are and will always have our hearts full of gratitude for her life
Jive At The Ripe Old Age Of Two! : Video Clips From The Coolest One
This is so worth a will bring a smile to your face Jive At The Ripe Old Age Of Two! : Video Clips From The Coolest One
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Nope no mobile
I have searched and searched and I no finda the Mobila!!!!!! gosh it must be a good hiding place.
How silly can one be? dahhhh
How silly can one be? dahhhh
Monday, March 19, 2012
My mobile anyone?????
Of course I put cards and mobile in a safe place.....I was so sure that I would remember where I hid them....I found my cards...but have NO IDEA where my mobile is.......can't ring it either...any ideas!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Our little Tongans
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The special decoration
Each week the same pots and flowers
A tender gesture....that was not wasted on me.
I watched the Movie "The Help " this morning....what a truly great movie I'm also reading the book although have not touched it for days.
A tender gesture....that was not wasted on me.
I watched the Movie "The Help " this morning....what a truly great movie I'm also reading the book although have not touched it for days.
First day of being with it
Although some may dispute that I is the first day of driving the car have felt to dizzy to take the chance till today.
First day of cooking a meal as well.... been spoilt as Tony has what we call made the meal which means Subway etc....good to start feeling like my head is on straight.... although I have side swept the wall a couple of times or felt like I was falling over...but heaps better.
Good to get back into the swing of my life again.
First day of cooking a meal as well.... been spoilt as Tony has what we call made the meal which means Subway etc....good to start feeling like my head is on straight.... although I have side swept the wall a couple of times or felt like I was falling over...but heaps better.
Good to get back into the swing of my life again.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Homeward Bound
Sitting in the waiting area to board for the long flight home....I was VERY aware that I was sitting amongst Aussies mostly..even though I was relieved....I was also embarrassed......You see the people that I met in Seattle were of a gentler nature ...not just in the Gospel but everywhere I went......I think Naomi and Luke will notice it even more....... Tony mentioned the same thing as that happened to him as well..... boy there were some rough and loud Aussies boarding on this flight......had a little silent prayer that I wouldn't be sitting near them...and I wasn' don't get me wrong of course not all Aussies are a bit rough on the edges..just take my friends for's a hard thing to explain...if you went where I went in Seattle you would know what I mean...we didn't find the same gentleness in Utah even.
Anyway I did as a friend told me to sit at the back which I did and in the middle section and I was blessed with an empty seat next to me..... which made the whole trip so much better......I know I slept a little as twice I became aware of my mouth being open !!!!!!! goodness knows if I one looked at me funny......but they were only snatches of sleep so my watch told me.
Nearly 11 hours sure can go slow.
I went through all the checkouts just fine got checked for explosives.... everyone did...inside bags as well
as guns had been recently smuggled into Sydney...the guns looked like a mobile....for all my fears that I had..I actually felt fine...Heavenly Father helped me I know....also being sooo tired, I had an couldn't care less attitude...if you know what I mean.
Caught the transfer bus...and I started to feel some funny rumblings in my tummy...I thought better get to the loo as soon as I get off which I did and my gosh ......... oh no not this again.....
There is a story to tell what happened next....but I will let it be untold...luckily I found a Chemist and was able to buy some Gastro Stop......which did the trick....
I thought that I would spend the next three hours walking I felt that I had been sitting long enough....
The journey home of 5 hours was the longest part of the whole trip I cannot ever remember feeling so exhausted and still feeling dizzy...I was at the stage of crying I was so tired...
Thank goodness Tony was in the Airport on arrival I literally fell into his arms....
I have Slept and slept and have only just started to unpack.
I figure that in a day or so I will feel back to normal
Would I do it all over again...only if any of my family asked me to.
Not even for a Holiday.
Anyway I did as a friend told me to sit at the back which I did and in the middle section and I was blessed with an empty seat next to me..... which made the whole trip so much better......I know I slept a little as twice I became aware of my mouth being open !!!!!!! goodness knows if I one looked at me funny......but they were only snatches of sleep so my watch told me.
Nearly 11 hours sure can go slow.
I went through all the checkouts just fine got checked for explosives.... everyone did...inside bags as well
as guns had been recently smuggled into Sydney...the guns looked like a mobile....for all my fears that I had..I actually felt fine...Heavenly Father helped me I know....also being sooo tired, I had an couldn't care less attitude...if you know what I mean.
Caught the transfer bus...and I started to feel some funny rumblings in my tummy...I thought better get to the loo as soon as I get off which I did and my gosh ......... oh no not this again.....
There is a story to tell what happened next....but I will let it be untold...luckily I found a Chemist and was able to buy some Gastro Stop......which did the trick....
I thought that I would spend the next three hours walking I felt that I had been sitting long enough....
The journey home of 5 hours was the longest part of the whole trip I cannot ever remember feeling so exhausted and still feeling dizzy...I was at the stage of crying I was so tired...
Thank goodness Tony was in the Airport on arrival I literally fell into his arms....
I have Slept and slept and have only just started to unpack.
I figure that in a day or so I will feel back to normal
Would I do it all over again...only if any of my family asked me to.
Not even for a Holiday.
My way home
I kept a journal for my journey home......because I would never remember all the little details....... Which some might be so wonderful to read....I wonder sometimes whether to put things in ...but then it's my blog and my experience.
I never really got to say a proper goodbye to Manly as he fell asleep in the car so the planned parking and getting to say farewell within the Airport never I told them to just drop me off and go....but Naomi got out and took me in ....... And Luke drove around the Airport with the intention of picking her up on his way around.....I was glad as I would have had difficulty getting my boarding pass because it was all self help type of thing.....
It was a very teary goodbye ...... I felt like I could not let Naomi go..... My eyes were bulging and my head was pounding by the time I was at the strip yourself down to just your outer layer of clothes no belt no shoes no watch no jewellry...etc.... You stand in this machine which scans you from top to bottom...aghhh I hate this part...the man that checked my passport ...looked at me and gave me a little smile as he could see I was upset and it was kind and that somehow helped me deal with what I was feeling.
I had hardly eaten at all that stomach was too churned up.
I sat in a corner waiting for my plane ..... No talkies to anyone just wanted to deal with all the my head was pounding so hard and I had no Migraine pills left or pill strong enough to take this awful headache away. My head was full of mucous as well. I wish I had some sunglasses..... Ahh you can see the picture
Finally it was time to board.....I had to sternly talk to myself to stop thinking about my darling family
.....I thought of a few friends of mine and wondered how they coped with saying goodbye to loved ones. I wondered if they were a blubbering mess like me!!!!!!
I chose an aisle seat as it is so much easier to go to the I was getting to my seat an Air hostess asked me if I would swap with a Lady with a baby.....whose husband I was about to sit next to....of course I would the air hostess said that they would pay for anything I wanted on the plane....I said absolutely not....I would gladly swap seats but for no rewards.
So now I was sitting by the window and two young girls next to me.
Sure enough I was given a T.V monitor for free I ordered a meal and she would not accept any payment for it nor drinks or anything.....
I don't generally get sick on the plane but this trip was to be different....I had to fight not to vomit and I could only look straight ahead I couldn't even look out the window without feeling dizzy.....oh my gosh what is the matter I thought.... After a few hours it hit me I was suffering from vertigo...after all that crying and all that mucous ears were affected... Even to this day it being....have to think for a moment Friday...Thursday in USA I'm still swaying.
So even though I had a T.V. Monitor and a meal none were touched not even my ipad...just couldn't move my eyes.
Finally arriving at Honolulu.....Tony said just follow the crowd which I did, found some people that I recognised being on my flight and stood at the carousel where the bags would come seemed like everyone but this old Lady and myself had gotten there bags and ours hadn't come out and we ended up being the only two left...we looked at each other and said what has happened to our bags...A worker passed by and she said our bags haven't come out yet, is this the Alaskan Airline from Seattle? "No Mame, you are standing at depot A your flight has it's drop of on D".... Now when I say old was really two old Ladies standing there !!!!!!!
So off we went and it seemed so far away by the time we got there, there were only two bags left and a few workers standing by. An announcment was made "Any bags not claimed are taken and destroyed"....we quickly picked up our bags looked at each other and smiled.....dumb Dora's we were.
I rang for the Shuttle and off I was to my hotel and she to hers.
It was now 2 am for me but 11 pm in Honolulu time...I thought oh I hope that I will be able to get a good sleep ...needed to wake at 5am set my alarm sorted some stuff out in my bags and tried to sleep took half a sleeping alarm went off Seattle time 3 am so one hour sleep. Oh no and from then I couldn't switch off.
Nic has just come so I will leave it at that. For now.
I never really got to say a proper goodbye to Manly as he fell asleep in the car so the planned parking and getting to say farewell within the Airport never I told them to just drop me off and go....but Naomi got out and took me in ....... And Luke drove around the Airport with the intention of picking her up on his way around.....I was glad as I would have had difficulty getting my boarding pass because it was all self help type of thing.....
It was a very teary goodbye ...... I felt like I could not let Naomi go..... My eyes were bulging and my head was pounding by the time I was at the strip yourself down to just your outer layer of clothes no belt no shoes no watch no jewellry...etc.... You stand in this machine which scans you from top to bottom...aghhh I hate this part...the man that checked my passport ...looked at me and gave me a little smile as he could see I was upset and it was kind and that somehow helped me deal with what I was feeling.
I had hardly eaten at all that stomach was too churned up.
I sat in a corner waiting for my plane ..... No talkies to anyone just wanted to deal with all the my head was pounding so hard and I had no Migraine pills left or pill strong enough to take this awful headache away. My head was full of mucous as well. I wish I had some sunglasses..... Ahh you can see the picture
Finally it was time to board.....I had to sternly talk to myself to stop thinking about my darling family
.....I thought of a few friends of mine and wondered how they coped with saying goodbye to loved ones. I wondered if they were a blubbering mess like me!!!!!!
I chose an aisle seat as it is so much easier to go to the I was getting to my seat an Air hostess asked me if I would swap with a Lady with a baby.....whose husband I was about to sit next to....of course I would the air hostess said that they would pay for anything I wanted on the plane....I said absolutely not....I would gladly swap seats but for no rewards.
So now I was sitting by the window and two young girls next to me.
Sure enough I was given a T.V monitor for free I ordered a meal and she would not accept any payment for it nor drinks or anything.....
I don't generally get sick on the plane but this trip was to be different....I had to fight not to vomit and I could only look straight ahead I couldn't even look out the window without feeling dizzy.....oh my gosh what is the matter I thought.... After a few hours it hit me I was suffering from vertigo...after all that crying and all that mucous ears were affected... Even to this day it being....have to think for a moment Friday...Thursday in USA I'm still swaying.
So even though I had a T.V. Monitor and a meal none were touched not even my ipad...just couldn't move my eyes.
Finally arriving at Honolulu.....Tony said just follow the crowd which I did, found some people that I recognised being on my flight and stood at the carousel where the bags would come seemed like everyone but this old Lady and myself had gotten there bags and ours hadn't come out and we ended up being the only two left...we looked at each other and said what has happened to our bags...A worker passed by and she said our bags haven't come out yet, is this the Alaskan Airline from Seattle? "No Mame, you are standing at depot A your flight has it's drop of on D".... Now when I say old was really two old Ladies standing there !!!!!!!
So off we went and it seemed so far away by the time we got there, there were only two bags left and a few workers standing by. An announcment was made "Any bags not claimed are taken and destroyed"....we quickly picked up our bags looked at each other and smiled.....dumb Dora's we were.
I rang for the Shuttle and off I was to my hotel and she to hers.
It was now 2 am for me but 11 pm in Honolulu time...I thought oh I hope that I will be able to get a good sleep ...needed to wake at 5am set my alarm sorted some stuff out in my bags and tried to sleep took half a sleeping alarm went off Seattle time 3 am so one hour sleep. Oh no and from then I couldn't switch off.
Nic has just come so I will leave it at that. For now.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Very last entry
Leave for the airport in 1 hour
Feel good and grateful for my blessings.
Still sad but ever so grateful to have had this time.
No not really angry with my man so unreasonable...just anxious.
Luke gave me a blessing. And all will be well.
Will have to have some extra hugs from that little baby ...his crying so got to go.
Feel good and grateful for my blessings.
Still sad but ever so grateful to have had this time.
No not really angry with my man so unreasonable...just anxious.
Luke gave me a blessing. And all will be well.
Will have to have some extra hugs from that little baby ...his crying so got to go.
Last entry
Have a thousand mixed emotions happy to go home sad to leave family here anxious about Nic and the children relieved that Anthony seems to be doing better...scared to ring up to find if there are any changes in the situation there.
Wishing Tone was here to take me back home..angry that his not....unreasonable I know.....wearing everthing on my sleeve today.....and then you pretend that all is not to worry those you leave behind.
Really have to get a hold of myself at the Airport.
But on a happier note It has been a wonderful stay have enjoyed being here with Our darling Family and the new little baby.... Having gone to Salt Lake City was a huge blessing and seem to solidify our Marriage even more..... Have eaten some wonderful meals and have met some really nice people...seen some great scenery and have fallen in love with Seattles'Trees..... Slept in a very comfortable bed had lots of cuddles with Patch.... Stood in the snow....cooked some dreadful meals. Walked around in the Shopping Centre by myself. Had a few little cries..and many laughs.....and have thoroughly enjoyed being with Naomi.
If I think of anything more I may have time a little later on ...if not this will be my last entry.
Wishing Tone was here to take me back home..angry that his not....unreasonable I know.....wearing everthing on my sleeve today.....and then you pretend that all is not to worry those you leave behind.
Really have to get a hold of myself at the Airport.
But on a happier note It has been a wonderful stay have enjoyed being here with Our darling Family and the new little baby.... Having gone to Salt Lake City was a huge blessing and seem to solidify our Marriage even more..... Have eaten some wonderful meals and have met some really nice people...seen some great scenery and have fallen in love with Seattles'Trees..... Slept in a very comfortable bed had lots of cuddles with Patch.... Stood in the snow....cooked some dreadful meals. Walked around in the Shopping Centre by myself. Had a few little cries..and many laughs.....and have thoroughly enjoyed being with Naomi.
If I think of anything more I may have time a little later on ...if not this will be my last entry.
Monday, March 12, 2012
So far so good
Just spoke to Nic....Anthony responded well to an IV of antibiotics.... He is now on oral so Nic asked if she could takr him home to Sione's brother's place so she can be with the girls and Naki as well ..... they could see that she is a responsable she was allowed to go home...with the instant ability to go back into Hospital if need be......Also it was little Peni's Birthday yesterday.
This is my last night here and I'm finding my emotions pretty up there.
But I must stay brave.
This is my last night here and I'm finding my emotions pretty up there.
But I must stay brave.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Little Anthony in Hospital
Poor little darling ..he is in Hospital in Tonga......that in it's self is a little worrying
Nic and Sione and there kids have sure been and going through a trial of fire.....all they can rely on is Faith in Heavenly Father.....So hard for Sione to be in Australia and his family in Tonga
All the children have been ill......they don't know what Anthony has but his temp has been up for 5 days now....we are all praying
Nic and Sione and there kids have sure been and going through a trial of fire.....all they can rely on is Faith in Heavenly Father.....So hard for Sione to be in Australia and his family in Tonga
All the children have been ill......they don't know what Anthony has but his temp has been up for 5 days now....we are all praying
Saturday, March 10, 2012
The Cheesecake Shop
Oh what a beautiful meal..... Best I have had since being here Shop bought that is.....Debbie's meals have been really delicious..... Not any I have made .... Maybe a Spinach Tart I made was good....although it cost the Earth to make.
Anyway it's called The Cheesecake Shop....the inside of the Restaurant is spectacular and it's huge.....I had a fish dish which was out of this world. The price is good as well...every time they go it's so busy that each time you have to wait at least 30 minutes.
Anyway it's called The Cheesecake Shop....the inside of the Restaurant is spectacular and it's huge.....I had a fish dish which was out of this world. The price is good as well...every time they go it's so busy that each time you have to wait at least 30 minutes.
Friday, March 9, 2012
We are blessed
With another we now have 10 boy grandchildren and 7 girls....Adoption has just been granted to Nicolette and welcome little Ha'Noah. Have no idea how to spell it nor have we seen him...he was an abandoned baby and is 6 months old......we love him and he will be as if he were born to them and us....I will have to get another Pandora little boy for my bracelet. Which I proudly wear each day.
Not sure of the travelling arrangements but I know Nic and the three children will be coming home the 21st of March and I think they have to go back for the baby in a month's time.
All to do with an Australian Visa for him.
Not sure of the travelling arrangements but I know Nic and the three children will be coming home the 21st of March and I think they have to go back for the baby in a month's time.
All to do with an Australian Visa for him.
So far a quiet day
Loads of washing and other things.....the dryer had broken down and as there is not a washing line to be seen here ( wouldn't dry anyway ) the dryeris heavily relied's now fixed and so it's catch up day.....Luke is sick.... With a sore throat...and Manly is looking a little bit off...hopefully little Patch won't get whatever and I don't fancy coming home that long way not feeling the best.
Funny weather ...... snow and then the Sun comes out...well it's a peekaboo type of Sun.
My attempts of cooking have been a bit miserable...if I lived here.I would have to re think my recipes...I am so surprised with such huge shops there is not one sauce type.... like Chicken Sauces or even beef sauces for meals like we get at home...last night I made a stir fry and managed to find one stir fry sauce and that was in the International section.
Now if I were to make anything with Chillies in it there is loads of that.
Must go and do some more housework..... It never really ends does it........
Funny weather ...... snow and then the Sun comes out...well it's a peekaboo type of Sun.
My attempts of cooking have been a bit miserable...if I lived here.I would have to re think my recipes...I am so surprised with such huge shops there is not one sauce type.... like Chicken Sauces or even beef sauces for meals like we get at home...last night I made a stir fry and managed to find one stir fry sauce and that was in the International section.
Now if I were to make anything with Chillies in it there is loads of that.
Must go and do some more housework..... It never really ends does it........
Thursday, March 8, 2012
An entry a day I promised myself
Although it's really late I thought I would write a little entry.
We spoke to Nic gosh my admiration for her is enormous..... She is doing it tough.
No electricity at all. The generator has broken down.... No running water....the children have been sick and are sick right now, the food in Tonga is absorbedent....a small packet of Weet Bix is over $4 the price of petrol is nearly $4 a litre....she said that the heat has been dreadful.... And that the last few weeks she has really been doing it tough.
I can't think of to many people who would do what they are doing.
I am trying to imagine hard it is to live without power or running water alone.
And the care of four little children...... Sione's Mother she says has been an angel as have the rest of his family.
Tomorrow they go to Court for the Adoption of this precious child....
We are praying and we have Faith.
They Nic. Sione and their Family could not be doing anything more then what they are.
We spoke to Nic gosh my admiration for her is enormous..... She is doing it tough.
No electricity at all. The generator has broken down.... No running water....the children have been sick and are sick right now, the food in Tonga is absorbedent....a small packet of Weet Bix is over $4 the price of petrol is nearly $4 a litre....she said that the heat has been dreadful.... And that the last few weeks she has really been doing it tough.
I can't think of to many people who would do what they are doing.
I am trying to imagine hard it is to live without power or running water alone.
And the care of four little children...... Sione's Mother she says has been an angel as have the rest of his family.
Tomorrow they go to Court for the Adoption of this precious child....
We are praying and we have Faith.
They Nic. Sione and their Family could not be doing anything more then what they are.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Why Airports?
I have been pondering that for sometime......I think it is something to do with Authority....I absolutely Hate going through the checks......not that I have anything to worry about..... But .... For some reason....I expect the worse and also if I don't know the way and there is a time schedule.....
I haven't always been this's only since getting older.
I was pulled over in Honolulu......nearly lost all my make up, because I didn't put it all in a clear plastic bag......luckily I had one in my bag that I had put my ipad in.......thanks to Jeni......I do remember her telling me now about the plastic bags.
I haven't always been this's only since getting older.
I was pulled over in Honolulu......nearly lost all my make up, because I didn't put it all in a clear plastic bag......luckily I had one in my bag that I had put my ipad in.......thanks to Jeni......I do remember her telling me now about the plastic bags.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Still interesting
I finished watching the whole programme .... Of course
It went on to say the hard job women have in taking care of their children who were born disabled...... Some other Professor did tests on these women and all of them were found lacking in some thing that I cannot name...because I don't know the technical name for it... Part of there finding was that chronic stress which they had was due to not enough ...... For the want of not knowing how to explain properly
Enough release of that stress.......they got these women together regularly ..... where they could talk and laugh as only they could about some of their situations with their children...As one Mother put it "No one else could
ever say what we can, we wouldn't let them".........Anyway it had a remarkable affect for the good.
The conclusion of the programme was that all of us need to feel successful and valued and also be really involved in helping others.
These things actually make a physical change in our bodies
Proven data after 30 years of investigating for several Scientests.
So the Lord knew all along how important it is to lose ones self in helping another... It benefits the giver and the receiver
Ahhh yes The Gospel is true
It's 12.15 am time to sleep thought I would stay up and feed the baby Naomi's expressed milk and let them sleep.
It went on to say the hard job women have in taking care of their children who were born disabled...... Some other Professor did tests on these women and all of them were found lacking in some thing that I cannot name...because I don't know the technical name for it... Part of there finding was that chronic stress which they had was due to not enough ...... For the want of not knowing how to explain properly
Enough release of that stress.......they got these women together regularly ..... where they could talk and laugh as only they could about some of their situations with their children...As one Mother put it "No one else could
ever say what we can, we wouldn't let them".........Anyway it had a remarkable affect for the good.
The conclusion of the programme was that all of us need to feel successful and valued and also be really involved in helping others.
These things actually make a physical change in our bodies
Proven data after 30 years of investigating for several Scientests.
So the Lord knew all along how important it is to lose ones self in helping another... It benefits the giver and the receiver
Ahhh yes The Gospel is true
It's 12.15 am time to sleep thought I would stay up and feed the baby Naomi's expressed milk and let them sleep.
Alone and gob smacked
Everyone is in bed and I thought oh this programme looks imteresting to's called Stress and how it affects the body....
Half way through it switches to a documentry and data that was and is collected by a Professor in Holland when it was occupied by the Germans during world war two on babies who were carried in the latter part of 1944 during the Dutch Winter.....which I was, and how these babies were stressed during invitro which has altered there cells ...Left imprints.... It's been documented that these children have different reations to some stresses of life more then other babies born elsewhere at the same time.....Now it is something that I have thought about for sometime as I get stessed about strange things ..... like Airports ....... I have always wondered if having been carried during such a savage time in the war.....and my parents living so close to the German Border if all that did'nt affect my Mother and if that may have had an affect on me as a Fetus...
I remember my Mother telling me that while she was in labour she could hear bombs going off around her.
intersting....I will continue watching
Half way through it switches to a documentry and data that was and is collected by a Professor in Holland when it was occupied by the Germans during world war two on babies who were carried in the latter part of 1944 during the Dutch Winter.....which I was, and how these babies were stressed during invitro which has altered there cells ...Left imprints.... It's been documented that these children have different reations to some stresses of life more then other babies born elsewhere at the same time.....Now it is something that I have thought about for sometime as I get stessed about strange things ..... like Airports ....... I have always wondered if having been carried during such a savage time in the war.....and my parents living so close to the German Border if all that did'nt affect my Mother and if that may have had an affect on me as a Fetus...
I remember my Mother telling me that while she was in labour she could hear bombs going off around her.
intersting....I will continue watching
Day of relaxation
Today was a day of rest...sitting watching T.V. Holding Patch...the funny little fellow he hates being undressed .... Or having a nappy's lovely to hear Naomi talking softly to him and he sometimes settles him right down.....I am cuddling him right now...... He loves his Grandma Donald as Manly calls me......he has a huge appetite and Naomi is a big provider..... Although her poor N..... Fair skinned people usually do suffer
It snowed a little today.
It snowed a little today.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Not again !!!!!
Here it was Really early this morning I needed to go to the loo and not wanting to make any noise slipped quietly into my doomed room......and guess what happened blocked here I am with a large plunger .....push and pulling this silly thing making loads of noise.Eventually with a great suction noise it unblocks.....of course I managed to wake those that slept. Haha
Blessed Day
Today Patch was named and blessed
Not often seen here so early after birth apparently.......I feel blessed as it was done because of my return home Monday will be hard to say goodbye.
Very special blessing.....amongst other things it seems that he will have a sense of humour......and be a giant in Stature and in Spiritually.......So glad that I was here.
The girls in this photo is some of Naomi's friends who really love her and she gets on really well with them.....she met them through Volley Ball 6 of them came for the blessing.....this is not there Ward.
Not often seen here so early after birth apparently.......I feel blessed as it was done because of my return home Monday will be hard to say goodbye.
Very special blessing.....amongst other things it seems that he will have a sense of humour......and be a giant in Stature and in Spiritually.......So glad that I was here.
The girls in this photo is some of Naomi's friends who really love her and she gets on really well with them.....she met them through Volley Ball 6 of them came for the blessing.....this is not there Ward.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Our new little family
I guess the pictures tell there own very cute.
You really forget how tiny a new baby is .....look closely and you can see little Patch.
You really forget how tiny a new baby is .....look closely and you can see little Patch.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Might sound strange
I was thinking about what I have written about all of us sleeping with earplugs.....Naomi sleeps with them ....because Luke snores.....I slept with them last night because the baby was unsettled....I don't know why Luke sleeps with them probably because I snore.....
Luke and Naomi are very attentive with the far they take turns in looking after him
Lukes shift at the moment is till 1.30 am and then Naomi will take over hopefully feed him and hopefully he will go back to sleep...only the second night home and Patch is still a little unsettled....but his better tonight so far.
I felt homesick for Tony tonight
We had a meal dropped off tonight Lovely of course.....I'm surprised that so many things here are Mexican flavoured...I really thought that America was multi cultural and that it wouldn't be hard getting certain curries for instance..... But I think I would have to go to a speciality store for that... Even though the Supermarkets are brand of Coconut milk and then only two or three cans of it.
Maybe it's only like that here in Seattle.
Manly is sleeping over at Grandma Debbies tonight...he loves her and loves being with her....I think it is good as Naomi can really rest up.
Time for me to go to ear plugs as I can't hear the lttle man at all.
Luke and Naomi are very attentive with the far they take turns in looking after him
Lukes shift at the moment is till 1.30 am and then Naomi will take over hopefully feed him and hopefully he will go back to sleep...only the second night home and Patch is still a little unsettled....but his better tonight so far.
I felt homesick for Tony tonight
We had a meal dropped off tonight Lovely of course.....I'm surprised that so many things here are Mexican flavoured...I really thought that America was multi cultural and that it wouldn't be hard getting certain curries for instance..... But I think I would have to go to a speciality store for that... Even though the Supermarkets are brand of Coconut milk and then only two or three cans of it.
Maybe it's only like that here in Seattle.
Manly is sleeping over at Grandma Debbies tonight...he loves her and loves being with her....I think it is good as Naomi can really rest up.
Time for me to go to ear plugs as I can't hear the lttle man at all.
The name Theo
Yesterday when Naomi was still in the Hospital and they had decided on the first name....but wouldn't tell me yet.....asked me about different names of family like Grandfathers and surnames of Mothers etc......Patch was going to be Patch Mc Gurk......Mc Gurk is Tomy Mother's maiden name ...... But then I mentioned Theo.....really Theodorus.....this is my Father's Father name.....My Grandfather was a magnificent man ....He was a Chief Policeman and his duty was over a city called Grave..Holland.....which is where I was born.
After he died which was before I was born.....the family found a box .... With many many bits of paper with a record of people that he had helped.....and never required it to be paid back.
My Dad called it ....A magnificent obsession......
Naomi just told me that Luke really loved the name Theo and it was he who really wanted it.
after any other suggestion Luke kept coming back to Theo.
So I feel honored that they named his second name after my Grandfather
Debbie Luke's Mother was just relieved that it wasn't Mc Gurk!!!!!
After he died which was before I was born.....the family found a box .... With many many bits of paper with a record of people that he had helped.....and never required it to be paid back.
My Dad called it ....A magnificent obsession......
Naomi just told me that Luke really loved the name Theo and it was he who really wanted it.
after any other suggestion Luke kept coming back to Theo.
So I feel honored that they named his second name after my Grandfather
Debbie Luke's Mother was just relieved that it wasn't Mc Gurk!!!!!
First day at home
I'm on baby duty today while Naomi has some needed sleep....poor darling the after birth cramps are pretty fierce.....I don't know why some women have it harder then others...that is what is on my mind lately......I guess we will understand one day.
Little Patch is a bit unsettled the moment he is asleep in the rocking chair.....but so far he only has little sleeps..... So a bit hard...but I'm sure he will settle into a better routine.
Manly is very cute with him...he will I'm sure have some adjustments to make.
He said the other day when I get a bit bigger and he gets a bit bigger we can then talk...
When we all go to sleep here which last night was on shifts except they let me sleep right through ...... we all sleep with ear plugs 's the only way.
Little Patch is a bit unsettled the moment he is asleep in the rocking chair.....but so far he only has little sleeps..... So a bit hard...but I'm sure he will settle into a better routine.
Manly is very cute with him...he will I'm sure have some adjustments to make.
He said the other day when I get a bit bigger and he gets a bit bigger we can then talk...
When we all go to sleep here which last night was on shifts except they let me sleep right through ...... we all sleep with ear plugs 's the only way.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Patch Theo Holder
Here is another blessing.
And what a labour ..... so long and hard and pain relief didn't work....well it did for 7 hours out of 18 hours was really hard to watch.....if you add in another 18 hours to that, that is how long it really was......from beginning to end.
But now we have this beautiful little angel boy.
She said that she would choose a section over natural birthing hands down....
In time hopefully she will feel different.....when she is able to get back to sports and can drive etc.....
Naomi had asked us all to hold of putting the news out there she wanted to tell people like family and close friends first.....she has done that now the world can know
So the number two big event that happened yesterday has paled into insignificance to this big news. Don't you think!!!!
And what a labour ..... so long and hard and pain relief didn't work....well it did for 7 hours out of 18 hours was really hard to watch.....if you add in another 18 hours to that, that is how long it really was......from beginning to end.
But now we have this beautiful little angel boy.
She said that she would choose a section over natural birthing hands down....
In time hopefully she will feel different.....when she is able to get back to sports and can drive etc.....
Naomi had asked us all to hold of putting the news out there she wanted to tell people like family and close friends first.....she has done that now the world can know
So the number two big event that happened yesterday has paled into insignificance to this big news. Don't you think!!!!
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