After the flood yesterday morning!!!!!!!! Little Manly needed to do number one..... I had no choice but to take him onto the patio lucky we are on the ground floor ......I told him to do it in the garden.....not thinking that it was freezing outside until I got out there...and rea
lized how cold it was.....although silly me I should have realized it earlier as there was ice on all the roofs......he said Oh Grandma its very cold as steam greeted him from the ground if you know what I mean....haha. Silly Grandma from Australia!!!!!poor darling there he was standing as you can imagine with his frozen little buttocks.
Had a marveous sleep last night I was home alone and I crashed..
Everyone coming home today.......exciting.
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Maintenance man
Luckily I was able to tell Warwick Lukes Dad of my dilemma and he went to the Office and within 5 minutes two Maintenance men came and fixed up the problem.......and seeing I don't need to see them again I don't feel so bad....
Just thought you might all enjoy the story..... It has been the second biggest thing that has happened today!!!!!!!
Will tell you the first biggest when I can.
Just thought you might all enjoy the story..... It has been the second biggest thing that has happened today!!!!!!!
Will tell you the first biggest when I can.
A story always to be remembered in Seattle
I have been awake most of the night and this morning I had the privelage of getting Manly of to his School.....I was a little worried but I needn't have been he was a darling and no problem.....anyway as we all do we all have to visit the little house which I did.....flushed and walked out.....lucky I didn't stay out of the bathroom long as when I went back the floor was flooded with water right up to the mop but
loads of towels quickly went on the floor....Manly thought it was really funny as one of his toys was now holding up the toilet ball in the cistern.....
He went of to school and as most people do I needed to go for another visit...this time of a differant nature...oh my gosh what can I do......Can't go to the neighbours!!!!!
So now I really have a problem ...... The rest I will leave to your imagination but hopefully no one will need to visit the Bathroom EVER very embarrassed .........wish Tony was who do I ask for help!!!!!!!!! Specially on a day like today when no one wants to be bothered with this.
loads of towels quickly went on the floor....Manly thought it was really funny as one of his toys was now holding up the toilet ball in the cistern.....
He went of to school and as most people do I needed to go for another visit...this time of a differant nature...oh my gosh what can I do......Can't go to the neighbours!!!!!
So now I really have a problem ...... The rest I will leave to your imagination but hopefully no one will need to visit the Bathroom EVER very embarrassed .........wish Tony was who do I ask for help!!!!!!!!! Specially on a day like today when no one wants to be bothered with this.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Lovely people
Today at Church I was so impressed with the true sweetness of the Sisters here....There is someone here each week who sets up the Table...With the same decorations.....3 Blue pots a little blue bird a smaller pot with some green stuff in it...and another blue pot with a lid.....she has taken it upon herself to do this and each week she is praised in a most loving way.....
This morning I was thinking now if this was me preparing to teach a lesson and I wanted to decorate the table or room a certain way ...... Her decoration would not suit me....her decorations have been there for a very long time and she is obviousely a troubled Lady..... I would be thinking of some way to tell her...... But not these truly sweet people ..... ever patient and kind........I have learnt something most valuable...... I hope that I will always remember
It's not the pots that are important but her feelings.....and the opportunity that these women have in showing true Charity.
There is a certain maturity that is here that we have yet to achieve..... Well when I say we I really mean I.
This morning I was thinking now if this was me preparing to teach a lesson and I wanted to decorate the table or room a certain way ...... Her decoration would not suit me....her decorations have been there for a very long time and she is obviousely a troubled Lady..... I would be thinking of some way to tell her...... But not these truly sweet people ..... ever patient and kind........I have learnt something most valuable...... I hope that I will always remember
It's not the pots that are important but her feelings.....and the opportunity that these women have in showing true Charity.
There is a certain maturity that is here that we have yet to achieve..... Well when I say we I really mean I.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Can't tell you how many times I have regretted not taking my different lenses with me..... Macro would have been perfect for seeing the snow fall.......wide angle would have been perfect for the perfect shot taking in the Temple and the Tabernacle all in the one shot....... Aghhh nothing I can do about it now!!!!!
Snow falling
Sitting on my bed this morning feeling a little homesick for My Man ...... I opened the blind and what did I see....... Snow falling.
It truly was something to see...... not sure I have captured it in the photo's
I thought another blessing..... How wonderful to see this.
I was so surprised to see how big each flake was......
When Naomi and I went out later I was surprised again to see that some cars had loads of snow on......I couldn't help myself in brushing some snow of passer by cars..... Much to Naomi's amusement. ...... Silly hey but I just assumed that the fall was equal everywhere ...... Of course not as it snows much more higher in the mountains then it does here.
When I was young I can remember thinking that when it rained where I was it rained everywhere throughout the world..... So I guess intelligence wise I haven't changed much hahaha.
I saw that Tony's flight was delayed a little...... Not good as his connection is very tight in Sydney....... So hopefully all will be allright for him as he has much to catch up with and many schedules to keep.
Poor darling. ..... He will come back home quite exhausted.....but all worth it.
It truly was something to see...... not sure I have captured it in the photo's
I thought another blessing..... How wonderful to see this.
I was so surprised to see how big each flake was......
When Naomi and I went out later I was surprised again to see that some cars had loads of snow on......I couldn't help myself in brushing some snow of passer by cars..... Much to Naomi's amusement. ...... Silly hey but I just assumed that the fall was equal everywhere ...... Of course not as it snows much more higher in the mountains then it does here.
When I was young I can remember thinking that when it rained where I was it rained everywhere throughout the world..... So I guess intelligence wise I haven't changed much hahaha.
I saw that Tony's flight was delayed a little...... Not good as his connection is very tight in Sydney....... So hopefully all will be allright for him as he has much to catch up with and many schedules to keep.
Poor darling. ..... He will come back home quite exhausted.....but all worth it.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Last night for Tony in Seattle
We all went to a place called Famous Dave's....... Which is a barbecue rib place ..... It's won so many awards in Washington.
Really tasty food as you can see.... Luke rubbed the sauce all over his mouth before that photo was taken.
The traffic here can be a bit full on but there are many ramps and it is a little scary...... when your not sure which ramp to take, which was how it was a little last night....all worth it though so yummy.....we had left overs .... which I had for lunch today.
Manly is a little darling ......always busy and always after the answers to his whys?.....he always is explained things which has really made him very knowledgeable.
Am missing My Man so much....but am being brave.
What a long plane ride..... 5 plus hours to Honolulu then 11 hours to Sydney then nearly 5 hours to Perth
I am now eating a really yummy ice cream that Luke has just bought home plus he has bought home peanut butter Reeces Chocolates. Oh I had decided that I would NOT have any more Chocolates or any unhealthy food....impossible....But tomorrow is another day.....good luck to me.. Ha ha
Sooooo many things here has sugar in it ..... I don't enjoy the sugar in breads etc.
Really tasty food as you can see.... Luke rubbed the sauce all over his mouth before that photo was taken.
The traffic here can be a bit full on but there are many ramps and it is a little scary...... when your not sure which ramp to take, which was how it was a little last night....all worth it though so yummy.....we had left overs .... which I had for lunch today.
Manly is a little darling ......always busy and always after the answers to his whys?.....he always is explained things which has really made him very knowledgeable.
Am missing My Man so much....but am being brave.
What a long plane ride..... 5 plus hours to Honolulu then 11 hours to Sydney then nearly 5 hours to Perth
I am now eating a really yummy ice cream that Luke has just bought home plus he has bought home peanut butter Reeces Chocolates. Oh I had decided that I would NOT have any more Chocolates or any unhealthy food....impossible....But tomorrow is another day.....good luck to me.. Ha ha
Sooooo many things here has sugar in it ..... I don't enjoy the sugar in breads etc.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Last from Utah
Tony said lets have a walk tonight .......So of we went and came across a whole Park lit up with ....... Yes Fairy Lights!!!!!
Oh how gorgeous lucky I had my Camera.
The night was just perfect ........ not to cold at all ....... So many people out walking as well. Lovely.
When we arrived back Tony said lets go up on the outside lift......... Am I brave enough? I'm not that good with heights
But I was brave and up we went to the twelth floor ......our room was actually on the sixth floor....I held on till my little knuckles were white ...... but I did it.
Tony took a photo from inside the lift.
We are now back in Seattle ....good flight and lovely to see family again.
I as usual put on my ipod and again put it on Shuffle as explained before it plays whatever I have...... I didn't put it to my ears straight away as I was to busy looking at the scenery below of Utah..... With a tinge of sadness.
When I put the plugs in my ears....guess what came on again ..... The Mormon Tabernacle at the end of a song so all I heard was Amen and fitting.....then on came Doris Day .....which was great it made me bop in my seat and gave me a happy feeling.
Oh how gorgeous lucky I had my Camera.
The night was just perfect ........ not to cold at all ....... So many people out walking as well. Lovely.
When we arrived back Tony said lets go up on the outside lift......... Am I brave enough? I'm not that good with heights
But I was brave and up we went to the twelth floor ......our room was actually on the sixth floor....I held on till my little knuckles were white ...... but I did it.
Tony took a photo from inside the lift.
We are now back in Seattle ....good flight and lovely to see family again.
I as usual put on my ipod and again put it on Shuffle as explained before it plays whatever I have...... I didn't put it to my ears straight away as I was to busy looking at the scenery below of Utah..... With a tinge of sadness.
When I put the plugs in my ears....guess what came on again ..... The Mormon Tabernacle at the end of a song so all I heard was Amen and fitting.....then on came Doris Day .....which was great it made me bop in my seat and gave me a happy feeling.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
AnotherSpecial day
It was such a special experience being in the Temple...... We were just so impressed with the decor.......just sitting there and taking Everything in......... No photo's today but memories that will be in our hearts and souls ...... We kimd of sat around taking in the scenery at different points...... We are so grateful to Naomi and Luke for suggesting this whole experience......oh and yes I did go back to Deseret Books....... So glad I did as I found out that I had substantial amount in Credit through an awards programme which I didn't know I had.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Marvelous Day
Who would have thought that Tony and I would have been able to go to SLC together. If I think back just months ago I would never have dreamed such a blessing.......
We started the day of with a wonderful breakfast and off we went to......Deseret Books ...... Tony was so kind to let me browse at my leisure ....which was such a joy to me..... Yes I bought a book or two....
We then went to the Tabernacle to listen to a Organ Recital ......oh I just closed my eyes when Come Come Ye Saints was played......I thought of all the Prophets who had sat in those chairs. In the Tabernacle...... The sound that came from that Organ was something else......he demonstrated how you could even hear a pin drop
Without a could hear it as clear as could be.....oh yes the Lord surely had a hand in the building......the same with the Conference Centre......I had to take a picture of the chairs that the Presidency sit in......funny hey but it was so significant to us.....Actually the first photo isof the Centre.
The painting is an original that used to belong to Napoleon is of Joseph interpreting the Butlers dream in the Old Testament....
We saw many original paintings and sculptures quite magnificent they are all housed in the Centre.....
I loved the bronze Statue of The Father and the Son appearing to Joseph Smith Our guide then turned the Statue around and you see the Father had his arm around the Son......very moving.
We also went to the Theatre and saw Joseph Smith the Prophet......The Church knows how to move people it was so inspiring.
The Visitors Centre was so well done you could actually see the inside of the Temple and what rooms there are... We never knew that there is such a large Assembly Room taking up the fifth and sixth floor in the Temple ...... used for special meetings when called upon from the Prophet .....many many chairs very interesting......
What a day we came home to our room fulfilled and exhausted....
Tomorrow we go into the Temple.
Be wonderful.
Promised Tony no more Deseret Book looking!!!!!! Hhhhmmmmm
We started the day of with a wonderful breakfast and off we went to......Deseret Books ...... Tony was so kind to let me browse at my leisure ....which was such a joy to me..... Yes I bought a book or two....
We then went to the Tabernacle to listen to a Organ Recital ......oh I just closed my eyes when Come Come Ye Saints was played......I thought of all the Prophets who had sat in those chairs. In the Tabernacle...... The sound that came from that Organ was something else......he demonstrated how you could even hear a pin drop
Without a could hear it as clear as could be.....oh yes the Lord surely had a hand in the building......the same with the Conference Centre......I had to take a picture of the chairs that the Presidency sit in......funny hey but it was so significant to us.....Actually the first photo isof the Centre.
The painting is an original that used to belong to Napoleon is of Joseph interpreting the Butlers dream in the Old Testament....
We saw many original paintings and sculptures quite magnificent they are all housed in the Centre.....
I loved the bronze Statue of The Father and the Son appearing to Joseph Smith Our guide then turned the Statue around and you see the Father had his arm around the Son......very moving.
We also went to the Theatre and saw Joseph Smith the Prophet......The Church knows how to move people it was so inspiring.
The Visitors Centre was so well done you could actually see the inside of the Temple and what rooms there are... We never knew that there is such a large Assembly Room taking up the fifth and sixth floor in the Temple ...... used for special meetings when called upon from the Prophet .....many many chairs very interesting......
What a day we came home to our room fulfilled and exhausted....
Tomorrow we go into the Temple.
Be wonderful.
Promised Tony no more Deseret Book looking!!!!!! Hhhhmmmmm
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
In Utah
Well here we are in a place that I could have only ever dreamed about seeing again.
As we were descending I had my ipod on and on shuffle.... So whatever I had on my playlist would come on....was I ever surprised ..... as I saw the ground of SLC .... On came The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.....I was so moved that tears filled my eyes.... And a myriad of emotions filled my soul.
I have spent the afternoon laying in bed......getting over a headache.......
For some reason I get very anxious going through Customs........ Don't know why..... But pretty full on panic attacks......much better once I'm inside and in the air...... So Tony went for a long walk around Temple Square.....which we will do again tomorrow.
It is VERY cold here and snow is on the ground which of course we had to stand in.
We feel very blessed and grateful..... We have a new grandbaby coming any day another in several months and another coming soon from Tonga......who will be part of us as if he were born to our family. We are blessed to have 18 Grandkids each one as precious as the other.
And now we are here...even if it is for a short time which is fine.
As we were descending I had my ipod on and on shuffle.... So whatever I had on my playlist would come on....was I ever surprised ..... as I saw the ground of SLC .... On came The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.....I was so moved that tears filled my eyes.... And a myriad of emotions filled my soul.
I have spent the afternoon laying in bed......getting over a headache.......
For some reason I get very anxious going through Customs........ Don't know why..... But pretty full on panic attacks......much better once I'm inside and in the air...... So Tony went for a long walk around Temple Square.....which we will do again tomorrow.
It is VERY cold here and snow is on the ground which of course we had to stand in.
We feel very blessed and grateful..... We have a new grandbaby coming any day another in several months and another coming soon from Tonga......who will be part of us as if he were born to our family. We are blessed to have 18 Grandkids each one as precious as the other.
And now we are here...even if it is for a short time which is fine.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Night light
This is outside of the the freezing cold........ showing some of the night lights all that you see are on the trees
A dip in the spa
It was so cold yesterday .......I said to Tone you have just got to go in this Spa before you go home.....He being up for most things gladly went in with Luke and Manly......I had on three skivvies one sleeveless jacket and another jacket on top plus gloves......might be an indicator of the weather..... So off they go bravely.
Here is Tony showing me that his all up for a dip and that he still has it ......for me that is hahaha!!!!! I can hear the girls oooohh Mum.
Yes it was true it was really refreshing the spa water is really hot Tony said and you just don't feel the cold outside......and the walk back home is good because your body is hot ....... by the time you get back's just coming down to a good temperature.
Yesterday we would have done our ten thousand steps......the family went off to look at a loch and boats and one tiny Salmon and really freezing......glad I didn't go.....I had some free time at a Shopping Centre I got some make's soooo much cheaper here..... And had a little walk around......which I enjoyed.
In the evening we all went to a huge arena to watch a Roller Derby ......girl teams trying to get the one roller to the front where the rest are trying to push the others over.... Took me an hour to really understand the whole thing......Naomi has a group of friends who have really embraced her....really lovely fun loving girls and it was one of these girls Birthdays and this is the way she wanted to celebrate her Birthday.and the Roller Derby......Tony tells me that they have just started doing it in Midland......will have to go just to see what it is like at home.
Unfortunately it is a real Gay hang out we never knew that until a great roar came up from the crowd because Seattle have just legalised Gay very sad.....Seattle will lose some of it's attractivness....and splendor for me.
We have eaten some of the best Burgers......that would beat Alfreds even.
If Perth were to do it how they do some of there business unlimited fries and drinks....I think it would become a little gold mine.
Oh yes Tony has found a lemon chocolate. Delicious..... He hopes to bring some home but I can see it won't get there.
Off to Utah tomorrow ........ We are's supposed to be snowing.....not sure how I feel about that......But we will soon know.
Here is Tony showing me that his all up for a dip and that he still has it ......for me that is hahaha!!!!! I can hear the girls oooohh Mum.
Yes it was true it was really refreshing the spa water is really hot Tony said and you just don't feel the cold outside......and the walk back home is good because your body is hot ....... by the time you get back's just coming down to a good temperature.
Yesterday we would have done our ten thousand steps......the family went off to look at a loch and boats and one tiny Salmon and really freezing......glad I didn't go.....I had some free time at a Shopping Centre I got some make's soooo much cheaper here..... And had a little walk around......which I enjoyed.
In the evening we all went to a huge arena to watch a Roller Derby ......girl teams trying to get the one roller to the front where the rest are trying to push the others over.... Took me an hour to really understand the whole thing......Naomi has a group of friends who have really embraced her....really lovely fun loving girls and it was one of these girls Birthdays and this is the way she wanted to celebrate her Birthday.and the Roller Derby......Tony tells me that they have just started doing it in Midland......will have to go just to see what it is like at home.
Unfortunately it is a real Gay hang out we never knew that until a great roar came up from the crowd because Seattle have just legalised Gay very sad.....Seattle will lose some of it's attractivness....and splendor for me.
We have eaten some of the best Burgers......that would beat Alfreds even.
If Perth were to do it how they do some of there business unlimited fries and drinks....I think it would become a little gold mine.
Oh yes Tony has found a lemon chocolate. Delicious..... He hopes to bring some home but I can see it won't get there.
Off to Utah tomorrow ........ We are's supposed to be snowing.....not sure how I feel about that......But we will soon know.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Lights in the Streets
As I promised the lights in the Trees....So very appealing makes you feel you are in a Fairy Land The street one you will need to look very closely to see the lights on either side of the road.....very very pretty.
Today we went into Seattle to a Science Center....the Dinosaurs were so well done they looked real and life like.....some of the other displays were great some were not so good the poor Stick whatever? An insect that came from Australia was in such a dirty and dreadful display some were dead and the bush they were on was really sad.....
Went to lunch at the best burger place called Lunch Box very yummy....
Then tonight we went to Luke's parents place for dinner....we were well fed
So any weight I lost earlier is I'm sure now back on again.
Today we went into Seattle to a Science Center....the Dinosaurs were so well done they looked real and life like.....some of the other displays were great some were not so good the poor Stick whatever? An insect that came from Australia was in such a dirty and dreadful display some were dead and the bush they were on was really sad.....
Went to lunch at the best burger place called Lunch Box very yummy....
Then tonight we went to Luke's parents place for dinner....we were well fed
So any weight I lost earlier is I'm sure now back on again.
Friday, February 17, 2012
I should have listened to my friends more.......I have taken too much, this and another pile is what I took out of my suitcase before I left even after all that I am sending unworn cloths back with my Tony next week ....I love cloths but I have become when I get back home....There will be a big clean out!!!! My problem is that I have got several sizes as I go up and down like a yoyo. I need to stay one size and I'm afraid big is the one.....oh no maybe medium But then what if I lose my weight and nothing fits any more.....see my dilemma ........Better keep what I have. But travelling light is the way to go and I have toooo much
Rain Rain and a medium drink
Yes it is raining.....but no not inside of course..... It never pours here it just drizzles, or just a fine mist.
Tonight we had real Mexican food and it was very nice......huge helpings......
Whatever you order here......mostly you are asked if you pay two or three dollars more you can upgrade which Tony did with a drink in the movies and we ended up with a huge container of water and Sprite and that was medium....which were bigger then our large.
We are loving being with Naomi Luke and Manly.....
It looks like Naomi may have a C Section.......but we will see.
Tonight we had real Mexican food and it was very nice......huge helpings......
Whatever you order here......mostly you are asked if you pay two or three dollars more you can upgrade which Tony did with a drink in the movies and we ended up with a huge container of water and Sprite and that was medium....which were bigger then our large.
We are loving being with Naomi Luke and Manly.....
It looks like Naomi may have a C Section.......but we will see.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Trees everywhere
I wanted to show that there are these wonderful trees everywhere no matter which way you look will see what I call Christmas Trees....Also a bridge that is floating.....these were taken on our way back from the Museum.
Oh yes the colour of all the houses are so asthetically blended.......beige .... mustard yellow.... Sage green.....even a blue that fits in....the same everywhere
Just like Greece with there blue and's really a lovely City.
Oh yes the colour of all the houses are so asthetically blended.......beige .... mustard yellow.... Sage green.....even a blue that fits in....the same everywhere
Just like Greece with there blue and's really a lovely City.
Flight Museum
What an amazing place....
Tens of millions of dollars would have gone into it..... Even a real Simulator....none of us went in that....I even had trouble with the little whirly thing in the playground down the road from us!!
The one that really appealed to me was the one where the woman is sitting in the Cockpit with a treadle for her legs and one for her that went far......not!!!!!
Tony was in his element reading all the data as he does...
My stress fracture has been playing up so I had to sit out for a bit.
But all is well.
What is both pleasant and a little annoying is the helpfulness of people You know when you are just many times can one say no to "Can I help you with anything"
We definitely find that generally people are friendlier here....which is lovely...we could do a little betterrrrrr No I could do better....thinking of what Gayle and Reg did.... With people they just met.
Tens of millions of dollars would have gone into it..... Even a real Simulator....none of us went in that....I even had trouble with the little whirly thing in the playground down the road from us!!
The one that really appealed to me was the one where the woman is sitting in the Cockpit with a treadle for her legs and one for her that went far......not!!!!!
Tony was in his element reading all the data as he does...
My stress fracture has been playing up so I had to sit out for a bit.
But all is well.
What is both pleasant and a little annoying is the helpfulness of people You know when you are just many times can one say no to "Can I help you with anything"
We definitely find that generally people are friendlier here....which is lovely...we could do a little betterrrrrr No I could do better....thinking of what Gayle and Reg did.... With people they just met.
We are off to Utah
I am so happy to be of some help to Naomi......Yesterday was a day of washing......although that is not hard as it is all wash and then put in a dryer..... There is not a washing line in sight......Actually I've seen the Sun twice in the week we have been's overcast all the time.....Not complaining at all I would take more of this then the hot anyday.
Tony and I went to the Movies last night.....then we came home and Naomi and Luke went out........what was amazing to us is that it's really cold and the place you buy a ticket is there is a long line outside of the Theatre, so whether it is cold or snowing........everyone is out in it waiting to buy a ticket to get in.
Also what caused us to raise our eyebrows a's 5 degs outside and out come a Mum and three kids in BATHERS !!!!!!! All to get in the Spa.....on asking Naomi she assured us that the Spa is really hot and that it is quite refreshing to sit in a hot Spa in the freezing cold air.....I'm just thinking that it can't be to pleasant walking to get in...... let alone when one needs to walk back home WET !!!!!!!!
We have decided on Naomi and Lukes suggestion....that we go to next week from Monday till Thursday we are off to Salt Lake City...... As Tony said.....Good idea to go there while we are so close by...... But it is only on the condition that if Na....goes into labour we will fly back.
I will take my camera of course.
Tony and I went to the Movies last night.....then we came home and Naomi and Luke went out........what was amazing to us is that it's really cold and the place you buy a ticket is there is a long line outside of the Theatre, so whether it is cold or snowing........everyone is out in it waiting to buy a ticket to get in.
Also what caused us to raise our eyebrows a's 5 degs outside and out come a Mum and three kids in BATHERS !!!!!!! All to get in the Spa.....on asking Naomi she assured us that the Spa is really hot and that it is quite refreshing to sit in a hot Spa in the freezing cold air.....I'm just thinking that it can't be to pleasant walking to get in...... let alone when one needs to walk back home WET !!!!!!!!
We have decided on Naomi and Lukes suggestion....that we go to next week from Monday till Thursday we are off to Salt Lake City...... As Tony said.....Good idea to go there while we are so close by...... But it is only on the condition that if Na....goes into labour we will fly back.
I will take my camera of course.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Beware of Cougars and Bears!!!!!
Naomi has had to have some tests done due to her blood pressure being a bit we left to do that.....Manly went to School...... Tony went for a walk......he stopped short when a sign said BEWARE OF COUGARS AND BEARS......DONT GO IN ALONE.......Now I would have turned back not Tony he picked up a stick and carried on...he said that he stuck to the path and power line!!!!!!! OK!!!!!!!
Naomi had to do some business after the appointment and I was dropped off at a Shopping Center..... Huge complex......I had an hour on my own enough to do what I needed and wanted.
Every where here trees on the main roads and at the Shopping Center have Fairy lights wound around each trunk and branch....very pretty......but what a huge job aagghhhh Fairy Lights....Pam understands.
Naomi had to do some business after the appointment and I was dropped off at a Shopping Center..... Huge complex......I had an hour on my own enough to do what I needed and wanted.
Every where here trees on the main roads and at the Shopping Center have Fairy lights wound around each trunk and branch....very pretty......but what a huge job aagghhhh Fairy Lights....Pam understands.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Duck!!!!
Amazing machine .....very slow and once in the river it was about as cold I have felt.....these machines are exactly my age they were built by women in 1945....... Men were at war.....Our guide was such a character he made the trip of one and a half hours so much fun
As he was telling us some of the History of the city he would interchange his hat.....and music, and have us all laughing... For once you felt like tipping......can't get over the tipping bit...I feel that people become a bit false because of the hope for a good tip. But I do understand that they depend on it as it is really part of their wage here.....
Water planes take of from the river apparently they have last rights they need to get out of the way of ducks even the quaking kind that is. On the water the motor ones can only go 7 knots so it is quite slow.....but it was an adventure.
Its wonderful being here ......and even though it can be cold the weather suits both Tony and I perfectly.
Friday night we did a massive baby shop in Target. That was fun.....I wanted to get a couple of turtle neck jumpers.....but I cannot find one.....looked in four shops now.....I thought they would be everywhere
So glad to be out of the Heat!!!!!
Gotta to go back for a little sleep....Church isn't till 11 today.....suits Tony love to all xxx
As he was telling us some of the History of the city he would interchange his hat.....and music, and have us all laughing... For once you felt like tipping......can't get over the tipping bit...I feel that people become a bit false because of the hope for a good tip. But I do understand that they depend on it as it is really part of their wage here.....
Water planes take of from the river apparently they have last rights they need to get out of the way of ducks even the quaking kind that is. On the water the motor ones can only go 7 knots so it is quite slow.....but it was an adventure.
Its wonderful being here ......and even though it can be cold the weather suits both Tony and I perfectly.
Friday night we did a massive baby shop in Target. That was fun.....I wanted to get a couple of turtle neck jumpers.....but I cannot find one.....looked in four shops now.....I thought they would be everywhere
So glad to be out of the Heat!!!!!
Gotta to go back for a little sleep....Church isn't till 11 today.....suits Tony love to all xxx
A day in the City
Had wonderful day in the City with the family
First we went to the Markets. Now I could have spent hours there plus some money but Tony and Naomi walk. Straight through....... Oh well.
Well would you ever this is the bubblegum wall....... And yes I put my chewy on the chewy was shaped into a smiley I left
a little of me in Seattle.
Pink umbrellas everywhere......We
think that they were on some tour or something...
Tell you about the ride in a land water army car called a duck tomorrow
Great fun today ......we all came home exhausted.
First we went to the Markets. Now I could have spent hours there plus some money but Tony and Naomi walk. Straight through....... Oh well.
Well would you ever this is the bubblegum wall....... And yes I put my chewy on the chewy was shaped into a smiley I left
a little of me in Seattle.
Pink umbrellas everywhere......We
think that they were on some tour or something...
Tell you about the ride in a land water army car called a duck tomorrow
Great fun today ......we all came home exhausted.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Snoqualmie Falls
If you have ever seen Chevy Chase In National Lampoon Vacation where he pulled up at the magnificent Grand Canyon, gets out spends three seconds looking at it and says seen it........ Quite funny!!!!!!
Well that is a bit of what happened to us today.
Much of this magnificent site was boarded off.....When we got out of the car it wasn't raining......but two minutes after the rain started and it was like little balls of ice.......
But the site was none the less wonderful, such powerful strong force of water.......
The trees are something else..... This State could easily be called the Christmas Tree State .......They are everywhere......and beautiful desidous trees that have lost there foliage with each branch full of moss....
Well that is a bit of what happened to us today.
Much of this magnificent site was boarded off.....When we got out of the car it wasn't raining......but two minutes after the rain started and it was like little balls of ice.......
But the site was none the less wonderful, such powerful strong force of water.......
The trees are something else..... This State could easily be called the Christmas Tree State .......They are everywhere......and beautiful desidous trees that have lost there foliage with each branch full of moss....
Friday, February 10, 2012
Special Day
Today we went to the Temple...... Wonderful
Very special.
I took my camera but it rained all day well actually it drizzles all day here and you just don't want to stand in it to take photo's........I did take a picture of Naomi's place so I will try and see if I can put it on from my camera.....Luke who is magic with all computer stuff said he will help me later.....
I loved what you did Gayle and Reg.......couldn't comment. From my ipad ...... But that was spontanious and wonderful for all....
Very special.
I took my camera but it rained all day well actually it drizzles all day here and you just don't want to stand in it to take photo's........I did take a picture of Naomi's place so I will try and see if I can put it on from my camera.....Luke who is magic with all computer stuff said he will help me later.....
I loved what you did Gayle and Reg.......couldn't comment. From my ipad ...... But that was spontanious and wonderful for all....
Thursday, February 9, 2012
No photo's yet
Today we went to the shops......of course.....important things first.
I cannot believe the prices of cloths.....I wanted to buy a white polo neck or beige top... Not one could I find but everything else $2 to 10 a piece.
Bought something I don't need....... For $7
We then went to a kids zone......I could have slept on the carpet so soft and luxurious......Naomi was telling us that because of the weather here they have these wonderful play areas......and it sure was.
We then went to do some food shopping and bought Naomi a Crock cost all of $20
It is amazing the cost of some things.....but food is pretty well the same.
Tomorrow we are off to the nice to do that with Naomi......Manly is off to School and Luke will be working.
Oh I will be taking my Camera.
P.S. One unfortunate thing that did happen on the plane was that I was seated next to a man who snorted and coughed the whole way to Seattle from Honolulu...... But I had my own little dilema
(Cant spell it) I popped off all the way to he wasn't reacting to my problem he started way before me!!!!!!!
I cannot believe the prices of cloths.....I wanted to buy a white polo neck or beige top... Not one could I find but everything else $2 to 10 a piece.
Bought something I don't need....... For $7
We then went to a kids zone......I could have slept on the carpet so soft and luxurious......Naomi was telling us that because of the weather here they have these wonderful play areas......and it sure was.
We then went to do some food shopping and bought Naomi a Crock cost all of $20
It is amazing the cost of some things.....but food is pretty well the same.
Tomorrow we are off to the nice to do that with Naomi......Manly is off to School and Luke will be working.
Oh I will be taking my Camera.
P.S. One unfortunate thing that did happen on the plane was that I was seated next to a man who snorted and coughed the whole way to Seattle from Honolulu...... But I had my own little dilema
(Cant spell it) I popped off all the way to he wasn't reacting to my problem he started way before me!!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Honolulu and no camera
I just wrote a long blog and pressed the wrong button ahhhhhhh I won't write it again today sitting in foyer but will write it all again from Naomi's. Yes we have had two days of scenery and both days I left my Camera in the hotel......can't believe I did that..... Perhapes due to a bout of diarohea!!!!!! You know thinking of other things....... We were able to manage quite well stopping at the right time if yiu know what I mean!!!!!!!come back to this's a pity that the undo button is so close to the change to letter pad......all in all we are well and we have seen some amazing scenery none of which you will see! !!!!!! Sorry
Friday, February 3, 2012
Not a coincidence
Yesterday I had such a feeling about Paula and Coni......I found that my heart and thoughts were with them....I was reminded of a special prayer that. Peace would be theirs all the days of their lives. I knew that peace was with them...... I wrote an email to Paula through her son as Paula does not own a computer.... Telling them how I loved them and many other special things..... I sent it to them and not 15 minutes later I received a reply telling me that Coni had just passed away......3.45 pm at the very time I was writing my email to them and feeling such tender feelings.... I felt the presence of his parents, Paula's parents and mine close.....You know it would not matter what anyone said to me on the contrary .....My Parents were here last night.....they really are not far away at times.... It was a very special time.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Pack Unpack !!!!!!!
Ok last check before locking the cases...where are my tablets oh no! did I pack them.... out everything comes...oh yes, I put them in my shoes...which have gone down from 4 to two pairs...this is the fourth time I have unpacked and quite frankly I am sick to d.... of it....... I will be so relieved when we are on the plane I will not have to think anymore or do anymore...silly me I like to defrost, clean, strip beds etc...everything, so when I come back all is clean.....just got the fridge to do...carpets are being shampooed tomorrow ...gosh is that how you spell it, oh well......Haven't been sleeping to well as I am constantly thinking of things...... yes folks I am a worrier...Tony is not..he does what he can and then leaves it be..he sleeps and I worry !!!!! hhmmmmm
One more day, two more sleeps.... yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!
One more day, two more sleeps.... yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!
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