When we arrived in Australia life became all about survival for my parents.....That's how it really was...no benefits !! And though they were always about doing the best they could do for us...I would have liked to have been able to talk with them more.
Eddy having Tetanus was dreadful, we lived in Forrestfield, no phone and a good mile or so to the nearest bus stop....Mum knew Eddy was very very ill ...but feeling that he might end up in hospital and him not having any P.J.'s left me home with him I was 9....by this time he was having convulsions and with each cramp would bite of bits of his tongue which then would lay on his lips and as you can imagine blood was a plenty....my poor Mum went all the way to Vic Park by Bus and walking, that was the nearest Shop, it took several hours.....being Migrants she always felt judged.....and we were poor...Dad was not contactable and he had the car, besides my Mother never drove anyway. I make no ill judgement of them or their choice now, although it took me awhile when I was younger to understand why she left me that day.
With each cramp I would run out of our little house and scream and I dared not go back in to our room...but of course did....but did not know what to do..... My parents knew he was ill but not as life threatening as it was.
Mid afternoon the Greengrocer came by and saw the seriousness of the situation and drove Eddy, Mum and myself to Princess Margaret Hospital. where he was diagnosed with Tetanus and was put into an induced coma....it was so serious that they actually diverted the traffic around P.M.H. Eddy became front page news on the Western Australia paper...after much searching where the disease started they discovered a fly in his ear carrying the germ.
Eddy to this day keeps in touch with the two main Nurses that helped his very slow recovery...he was a very lucky boy as his cramps lasted as long as 5 minutes...the Dr's told my parents ....you can thank your breast milk for that.
The whole terrible situation did affect myself....I felt hopeless and I thought he was going to die.
Feeling the odd one out at School...my lunch's were different....funny hey!!! but I used to hide them....big chunks of bread with big chunks of cheese.... always. ... I longed for the vegemite sandwich on bought sliced bread
Oh what joy, I was bought a bike....until I saw it as my parents were so thrilled with it, it looked just like the ones from home Holland...but it wasn't what the kids were riding here......the handle bars were way up to my chin....so if you can imagine low seat but high handlebars...they never understood my disappointment. Funny how these little things had such a big sway on me.
Sad to say that they did.......
Anyone whoever is reading this ....please understand that I hold no ill feelings towards my parents at all and am looking forward to one day seeing them again.....My attitude is who am I to Judge another when I myself have made many mistakes......so by the grace of God go I.