I did all my things like shopping etc early so I could come home to watch the Royal Wedding....I loved every minute of it and found it so uplifting...I wanted to ask all the girls in my family around to have a special meal or something ..but we were going out later that night..... I thought it was all so uplifting and lovely...Tony is not into the Royals at all.....he took the dog for a long walk and stayed in the bedroom watching Keeping up Appearances....good choice.... if Mrs Bucket knew that it was Royal Wedding night she would have gotten out her Good China you know the ones with the periwinkles painted on them.......
Anyway I loved it all, made me feel good. Got to get ready for the F.H.Centre.
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
There is no end to what you can now Blog
I thought ok lets see if I can blog this The Online Family History classes and yes there it is....soooo exciting I love Blogging
And Babies came too
How Cute ...Little Pene and Lacey holding the dolls...I really don't know what they were doing but it was such a cute photo...below Maya was just about to throw the Ball for Bochi...our Patio was so pleasant that night particularly with all the fairy lights on.......
How far can one throw this ball
Would you believe that it was thrown and cought from the very back fence...I didn't do to bad in this one..this game lasted for ages as each one wanted to get further and further back...the weather was pleasant by now the shade had come over into the yard and the intense heat had gone...... this was the end of our Activity...some of our family went home and two families stayed and had dinner with us which was left overs from lunch and chips from the fish and chip shop....... being Good Friday we had a wait of 40 minutes that ended up being an hour...we didn't care as there was plenty of talking....all in all it was a superb day......oh there was one more game that was played into the night and that was Bochi...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pretty tricky this one
Not many of us could stand here very long....... Matt, Brendon and Rhys were the best at this...Tony had made these boards and we borrowed Court's snooker balls..... the idea was to find balance...holding these balls on the board...I tried this one and I can assure you...it's hard..there were three sizes of conduit...the size of your foot dictated the size of conduit....
We had a two hour break between Nic and Van's activities..where we went to Nic's for lunch...while the little ones slept...then we started ours..I know I have put down a lot about our Friday..but it is for future generations hopefully to read ..and it hopefully will bring a smile to our family. Actaully the whole point of my blog is for my family and for future generations.... as long as it stays on the computer....no effort is to much really.
Never thought though that not having all of us there would happen so soon......even though I knew it had to happen. It goes to show though embrace what you have while you have it.
We had a two hour break between Nic and Van's activities..where we went to Nic's for lunch...while the little ones slept...then we started ours..I know I have put down a lot about our Friday..but it is for future generations hopefully to read ..and it hopefully will bring a smile to our family. Actaully the whole point of my blog is for my family and for future generations.... as long as it stays on the computer....no effort is to much really.
Never thought though that not having all of us there would happen so soon......even though I knew it had to happen. It goes to show though embrace what you have while you have it.
The Coin Thrower
Each person got $3 in fifty cent coins ...the older ones had to throw it in the cup that was buried in the centre of the ring...if you look closely you will see the cup...whatever anyone threw in the cup that 50 cents became theirs.....There were two circles one for the little ones and one for the older ones.....Sione wa so sure that he would get everyone of those coins in...but it was harder then anyone thought and none of his went in ..even when he tried to throw them in from the inner circle haha his a funny man !!!.......of course one or two went in by some....In the end we gave each child the three dollars worth of coins....it was a whole heap of fun though.
The Answer
The Answer was WHERE YOU WOULD BUILD SAND CASTLES which of course is the little sand pit in our backyard we had buried 36 Choclate Easter Eggs in there about 4 for each one of the kids......it was such a hot day 33 deg...all of them came back quite red and exhausted....but you know kids....they were ready for the next activity.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Our Activety
For some reason each year we always organize and activity...don't mind really as it's been kinda fun doing it..I felt pretty good about this years as a lot of effort went into it...it was a treasure hunt first for the younger ones ...we seperated all the children into groups with an adult in charge of each group...the adult was not to do it for them but only to guide them...Tony had drawn a map with a pathway marked into the Reserve across the road..... there were five envelopes that were to be picked up along the way......the clue read something like ....Lots of little hills which one could it be behind......or Buzz Buzz.... Now all of them know that on the track that we usually walk on there is a tree that always has had bees in and beside that tree there lay a log...which this first photo depicts....if you look to the left of this photo you will see a white envelope under the bark..that was clue number two.....another one which was tricky for some was.... Many honky nuts on this bend.....it was a little tree with an abundance of honky nuts ..We did forget though that Sione didn't even know what honky nuts were!!!! Tony hung the envelopes on the branch of this tree.....and so on....each envelope had part of a jigsaw puzzle inside and each piece of jigsaw had a letter on it...when all the envelopes had been gathered and they had completed a service project which was to wash down the Chinese Rotunda in the Cemetry...the one we always sit in when we complete our walk and after making a paper aeroplane and seeing how far they could fly it.....they were to come back here to our home and work out what the sentence said......... tell you in the next entry....oh by the way Rebecca had found out that we had the camera on the wrong setting so photo's are now normal
Monday, April 25, 2011
I had to put this in
As we are still celebrating Christmas.....oh my gosh I mean Easter !!!!! well the weather still feels like Christmas......I still wanted to put this wonderful series of pictures of Christ...how can I think of our family without recognizing Christ....
Rebecca drew attention to this slideshow and we were both touched by the paintings of Jesus and John the Baptist......throughout time there have always been so many paintings with the Saviour looking stern and serious and for me anyway it is a joy to see and think how these pictures have been portrayed is really how it was....again I am so grateful for the talent of so many that are able to potray such tender feelings to ones soul.
How blessed I feel.
p.s. Lee is out of Hospital and his eye seems to be ok. my poor Jack is still really having the hardest time, he is racked with pain and there is nothing that any of us can do. Except we can pray for him and I hope that we all will do that...poor man.
Rebecca drew attention to this slideshow and we were both touched by the paintings of Jesus and John the Baptist......throughout time there have always been so many paintings with the Saviour looking stern and serious and for me anyway it is a joy to see and think how these pictures have been portrayed is really how it was....again I am so grateful for the talent of so many that are able to potray such tender feelings to ones soul.
How blessed I feel.
p.s. Lee is out of Hospital and his eye seems to be ok. my poor Jack is still really having the hardest time, he is racked with pain and there is nothing that any of us can do. Except we can pray for him and I hope that we all will do that...poor man.
Darling Anthony
Mum on Scooter
You know what was wonderful is that all my three boys were concerned...I was concerned...good old Tony was already around the bend when I was still struggling..but I was so touched by there kind loving care as you can see by the worried look on Caleb's face.
I found it hard to balance on this little thing.....as I said before I surely felt old that day..
I found it hard to balance on this little thing.....as I said before I surely felt old that day..
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Nicolette's Birthday today
I chose this photo purely to please her......I have so many photo's of her that I really love but she would be happy....guess why??
I remember the very moment I conceived, the Lord let me know that I was going to have another child and I can remember feeling PURE JOY ...you know that feeling that we all receive occasionally...I knew that she was a special Spirit, coming to our home and she surely was and is. My pregnancy was perfect not counting the constant morning sickness of course but I had no worries at all, when it was time to go into Hospital as she was to be my fourth baby to be brought on...My Tony was going to stay home to look after the little ones and my friend Honor was going to be with me...until it was nearly time to deliver.....unfortunately when I was asked should we ring Tony now...I was at a stage where I was not happy if you know what I mean.....now I look back I wish so much that someone had asked me earlier when I had all my witts about me......anyway he wasn't there and about half an hour later this most beautiful baby girl arrived....she had curly dark auburn hair and was the prettiest baby of all of ours...now please don't take any of this the wrong way, as she and the our other babies were all loved equally.
But wherever I went I was stopped and people would express how gorgeous she was .... particularly when her hair grew longer and her eyes became a vived bright blue.
She was the one who would want to hug and kiss all her family...might say that the girls in particular didn't enjoy so much affection...... particularly when it happened at school ....... she also would hear her Dad's Van pull up and would run and get his thongs and a beer !!!! he was not in the Church then..... I stopped the number two beer coming out.....ha ha.
She LOVED being with me, I could not even go to the hmmmm you know where, our Nic would want to come in or would stay outside to wait for me to come out....I can remember when she was real little that I would put her in the washing trolley to hang out the washing....she just needed to be close.
This morning when I woke, I was very mindful of it being Easter and I felt such gratitude for the Saviour and what He did for me and all of us..... I also remembered it was our Nic's birthday and thought how appropriate that she was celebrating something special on this the MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF ALL TIME. As she has so many attributes of HIM we worship...we are blessed to have her in our lives.
I remember the very moment I conceived, the Lord let me know that I was going to have another child and I can remember feeling PURE JOY ...you know that feeling that we all receive occasionally...I knew that she was a special Spirit, coming to our home and she surely was and is. My pregnancy was perfect not counting the constant morning sickness of course but I had no worries at all, when it was time to go into Hospital as she was to be my fourth baby to be brought on...My Tony was going to stay home to look after the little ones and my friend Honor was going to be with me...until it was nearly time to deliver.....unfortunately when I was asked should we ring Tony now...I was at a stage where I was not happy if you know what I mean.....now I look back I wish so much that someone had asked me earlier when I had all my witts about me......anyway he wasn't there and about half an hour later this most beautiful baby girl arrived....she had curly dark auburn hair and was the prettiest baby of all of ours...now please don't take any of this the wrong way, as she and the our other babies were all loved equally.
But wherever I went I was stopped and people would express how gorgeous she was .... particularly when her hair grew longer and her eyes became a vived bright blue.
She was the one who would want to hug and kiss all her family...might say that the girls in particular didn't enjoy so much affection...... particularly when it happened at school ....... she also would hear her Dad's Van pull up and would run and get his thongs and a beer !!!! he was not in the Church then..... I stopped the number two beer coming out.....ha ha.
She LOVED being with me, I could not even go to the hmmmm you know where, our Nic would want to come in or would stay outside to wait for me to come out....I can remember when she was real little that I would put her in the washing trolley to hang out the washing....she just needed to be close.
This morning when I woke, I was very mindful of it being Easter and I felt such gratitude for the Saviour and what He did for me and all of us..... I also remembered it was our Nic's birthday and thought how appropriate that she was celebrating something special on this the MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF ALL TIME. As she has so many attributes of HIM we worship...we are blessed to have her in our lives.
Vanessa and Brendon's activety
Their's was the quickest wins and we, Tony and I sure knew that we were not going to be first...poor Tony always with the Old one who is so slow. their activity involved all the things at the park like the spider climb throwing the ball in the basketball hoop so many times......solving a problem question and making a word after taking out seven scrabble pieces, scooting around the concrete path going around the whirly thingy...show you a photo of that later going down a slide kicking a football the furtherest...I think Tony did win that one. Here is Nic and Naomi going on the scooter path...we were so lucky that day as there were so few people at the park so early that it really didn't interfere with any of our things there.... Sione has hurt his knee tore his ligament....although it didn't stop him really..... only on a few things So the climb on the Spider climber was part of Vanessa and Brendon's activity.
Lucky Rhys
It was not easy getting a bite of an apple so far down in the bucket...... but eventually he got a good bite
The Ogg Family
Here are Bec, Matt, Sharli Kobe, doing a Counrty and western dance as a dare...with the dance talent in this family it was a joy to watch
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Winter Family
Rhys was already down...good on ya Kate and particularly Court who was not well...Now my Story when it was my turn...I thought oh this looks easy I can do that, of course Tony just zoomed up there and I could not get my foot on the second rung at first...my left leg would not go high enough...oh I felt so OLD !!! I looked like I was trying to start a motorbike over and over....I sure made people laugh actually ...when Mum does things that is when they all get the biggest laugh...anyway seeing I couldn't lift my left leg up I could my right so I managed to go up three rungs until one of the kids said Mum that is enough....THANK YOU No picture I deleted it because it wa too light. Pity, that was before, I found out that I could play around with the photo which I did on Picasa.
Gotta touch the TOP
More off Nic and Sione Activity
Little Maya had to go around and give everyone a Papa kiss which is really blowing on top off the head but this sweet little darling gave everyone a kiss on the cheek, she was only meant to do half off the circle but she did everyone, Caleb was not to sure about it all...Jaz sang Advance Australia Fair, of course did well particularly when Dad helped. No matter what anyone did, ridiculous or not everyone was cheered on and clapped.
Now Ady got the yuckiest one, cut out the eye of a fish and eat it, now if you didn't want to do it you could pass it on to a member of your family, which she did and her Dad Brendon ate the Eye ohhhh Nooo aghhhh
The next yucky one I got and it was to eat a raw egg, NO WAY !!! I am gagging just thinking about that one...luckily it was a tiny little egg about the size of a twenty cent coin...My brave Tony did it for me.
Some of these photo's came out so light......because I had the Camera on the wrong setting. Sad as I lost a lot of really good photo's that I had to delete...like Tony eating the egg. everyone got a turn at doing something Nic made sure of that...Great start.
Our Family Easter Tradition
Each Year our family get together on Easter Friday for a day of fun, friendly Competition, Service or whatever the families assinged for that year decide for us to do.....First let me say though that there was a real sadness and it was really tangible that Naomi,Luke, Manly, who are in Seattle U.S.A. Jack who is struggling with passing a rock, for surely that is what it must feel like a great big boondy !!!!, Jordan who is over the East having just won Gold and highest scorer for Inline Hockey Good on ya Jord!!!! Joshua who is spending Easter with his Mum and family, then Leo who is in Hospital having been flown down by the Flying Doctor from My Magnet having accidently sprayed Caustic Soda into his eye, were not there.... but I guess as our family gets larger that is what will happen....but they were sorely missed and it was not the same. but having said that, it was a marvelous day.
So I think these moments will pan out for the week as we fitted in so much for one day.
We all met at the oval just down the road at 9 am, there was plenty of shade....unfortunately it ended up being a bit of a scorcher 33 deg.
Nic and Sione had the first Activity which was pass the parcel....loads and loads of fun I chose these two photo's to start of with but will put on more, when the song stopped which Nic was sorta sang... a lolly and a dare was unwrapped, here is Matt who had to wear a dress....Laceys was to eat some baby food, the dress was eventually passed onto Brendon who looked ridiculous, they both did.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Machinery
Today they are laying the Ashpalt on the road and the machinery is so loud and heavy that I am actually vibrating and can hardly hear my Telly or anything for that matter it's really not pleasant, the end result will be great and after 6 weeks the road job is coming to an end.....so I thought the best thing I could do is to go out for some retail therapy, wish my friend Gayle was here.....
Our Easter Parade
Remember this hat Naomi....I do !!! this actually is a teapot cover but Naomi bought it for some dress up thing and it's been in the family now for many years...as Naomi jun...looks so cute wearing it so did big Naomi which she is called by us when we are describing who we are talking about... not sure I want the title big before my name but our Naomi doesn't seem to worry about it...seeing it is nearly Easter and we are preparing for our Friday get together.(and a going out dinner sometime during the weekend)....where families take it in turns to provide some sort of competition or activity for all of us..I am thinking of those who won't be here this year and I'm wishing that Seattle was only a stone throw away...but it will still be wonderful having those we love around us...Tony and I do an activity each year and this year it will be a test of endurance with balancing acts and a little race for the little ones plus a little service project etc.... we will have a barbecue at Nics...our day will start at 8.30 am and will go for most of the day, I have loved so much our Easter activities and look forward laughing together and just being together...as well as Na, Luke, and Manly not being with us Jack has been ill for several weeks now and Jordan is competing in Hockey..so our numbers will be fewer...but even though there is a void..it will be great as always...
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Dayton's Legs
When I saw this on Gayle and Reg's blog it brought me to tears....I actually had a bit of a spiritual moment where I could see this young man fully restored with all his limbs and body as they should be, coming up to this marvelous young man to say THANK YOU...... .A moment in the future that will happen I'm sure
A proud Moment
This was delightful to see...everyone clapped when he stood up and proudly said his part....if you know Sione he is a delight to know in everything he takes joy and pride.....and comes up with happy moments to cheer every ones soul....what a great time to get your Citizenship being so close to Anzac Day.
Friday, April 15, 2011
I'm an Aussie!!! Hooray
I do have some photo's of Sione becoming an Australian Citizen last night, but for now I want to tell you how I feel about it all..Sione was so proud to take on this privilege. And we were proud of him.
He was the loudest in the whole room when we got to sing Advance Australia Fair....and we sang along with him proudly.
He was told that in his declaration he could say ...well I'll write what they had to say.
From this time forward, under God,
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and it's people, whose democratic beliefs I share,
whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.
They were told that if they didn't want to, they didn't need to say UNDER GOD.
there were 32 who received the privilege of citizenship and only about 10% included under God in their declaration.....I can understand that some who have been brought up under different beliefs that this could be foreign to them but NOT nearly all of them..
It saddened me to see so many that declined to acknowledge Him.....We are so blessed to be living in this country and we surely Have God to thank for it......and I might add all those that fought for our freedom and lifestyle.
Personally I thought that there could have been more said about being an Australian and what that really means...rather the speech that was given was to much on bringing their cultures into this Country....for me I would rather have seen what Australia is all about and them becoming Australians. Of course you never forget the Country you were born in and of course there is loyalty that goes with that....but if you take on Citizenship...you are now an Aussie.....I am tolerant of other cultures, we have different Cultures in our own family.... but the Aussie Culture is being drowned, by us being too liberal....so now I will get of my soap box...but you can see I feel very strong about this.
So that is why the song.
Consider the Lilies...My very favourite Hymn of all time.... it's because I feel so blessed and so considered and ever grateful for the life I have and the country that I myself have become a Citizen of.
He was the loudest in the whole room when we got to sing Advance Australia Fair....and we sang along with him proudly.
He was told that in his declaration he could say ...well I'll write what they had to say.
From this time forward, under God,
I pledge my loyalty to Australia and it's people, whose democratic beliefs I share,
whose rights and liberties I respect, and whose laws I will uphold and obey.
They were told that if they didn't want to, they didn't need to say UNDER GOD.
there were 32 who received the privilege of citizenship and only about 10% included under God in their declaration.....I can understand that some who have been brought up under different beliefs that this could be foreign to them but NOT nearly all of them..
It saddened me to see so many that declined to acknowledge Him.....We are so blessed to be living in this country and we surely Have God to thank for it......and I might add all those that fought for our freedom and lifestyle.
Personally I thought that there could have been more said about being an Australian and what that really means...rather the speech that was given was to much on bringing their cultures into this Country....for me I would rather have seen what Australia is all about and them becoming Australians. Of course you never forget the Country you were born in and of course there is loyalty that goes with that....but if you take on Citizenship...you are now an Aussie.....I am tolerant of other cultures, we have different Cultures in our own family.... but the Aussie Culture is being drowned, by us being too liberal....so now I will get of my soap box...but you can see I feel very strong about this.
So that is why the song.
Consider the Lilies...My very favourite Hymn of all time.... it's because I feel so blessed and so considered and ever grateful for the life I have and the country that I myself have become a Citizen of.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Great Day
It was a wonderful day I felt very spoilt...I mentioned to Tony how wonderful it was that Elder Scott painted a picture on the Family fridge, when finances were tight for Valentines day...So was I ever surprised to find this on my fridge the next morning for my Birthday...I didn't know my old man had that romance in him !!!! Had a lovely Sykpe call from Naomi, Luke and Manly, Then Vanessa and her family came over and gave my the royal treatment foot hand and back massage..just what you need when one turns 66, which I was feeling as my back is still not right, so I was walking like an old woman....Then Bec and Katie and children came over and with wonderful hand made cards with wonderful wishes on them...Nic and her three made a flower garden in the grass. Now my grass has such a happy feel about it. Had lunch with Vanessa which was so wonderful and dinner with some of the family.....All in all I felt special as one should feel.... The next night my darling friend slept over and we spent many a happy hour talking and laughing.....She has just recently had some more surgery on her knee and so she is a little unsteady on her feet and me with my back.. when we went to the shop the next day we walked like two old croaks swaying from side to side.....actually when you think about it how does two old croaks walk !!!!!! I don't even know what croaks mean !!!! but I'm sure you all know exactly what I mean and you can visualize it quite well.
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