She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
She's not heavy, She's Our Mum
Monday, February 28, 2011
Landfill Gas and Power
The company Tony works for collected from their workers and donated a substantial amount of money and donated it to this Vietnamese Orphanage....One of their workers now lives over there ...thats the man in white and no hair, he came across this place and was impressed what they were trying to do with these children that had a different and not such a good start to life......Good on them....
A night in the Spa
What else can one do when it is even somewhat unbearable to be in the house, assigned to a certain part of the house where the air conditioner is running....of course we sit in the spa and look up into the stars and enjoy each others company.....that is what we did last night.....lovely and cool although the temperature in the spa is warm, which is the way I like it ...I'm not one to jump in cold water. Even when it is as hot as it is...We sure are having a heat wave.
Naomi in Seattle U.S.A. told us yesterday that as hot as it is here, it's the opposite there, they went out to the Space Needle on Saturday and she said we just ran from one shop to another to get into their heated buildings it was so cold. I think next February I will be in Seattle. Although it sounds appealing now it may not be really.
We have now had everything returned from the Insurance...that was stolen from here...all of course at a reduced rate as the Laptop and Camera's de-appreciate in value...but it is good to have it all back...just a little bodywork to be done on the car and we are all back before we were invaded...except more vigilant.....and, a tad neurotic at times.
Early start on housework today try to beat the heat. Maybe I should sit in the Spa again....not a bad idea !!!!
Naomi in Seattle U.S.A. told us yesterday that as hot as it is here, it's the opposite there, they went out to the Space Needle on Saturday and she said we just ran from one shop to another to get into their heated buildings it was so cold. I think next February I will be in Seattle. Although it sounds appealing now it may not be really.
We have now had everything returned from the Insurance...that was stolen from here...all of course at a reduced rate as the Laptop and Camera's de-appreciate in value...but it is good to have it all back...just a little bodywork to be done on the car and we are all back before we were invaded...except more vigilant.....and, a tad neurotic at times.
Early start on housework today try to beat the heat. Maybe I should sit in the Spa again....not a bad idea !!!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
She has her own Language
Our little place of miracles
Every week I attend and help run a Family History Centre....we are small but it can be a place of miracles. Many an Ancestor has been found here. With Val's permission I have taken a photo of her doing her thing, which is to read old records...she is so diligent and is there 3 times of week. We love her and she teaches us much.
Yesterday I had a wonderful day with my very good friend Gayle, she slept over and we had a lovely little talk in the morning, then went to the shops for some therapy !!!!!! you know what I mean, I come across the softest and smoothest towels I've ever felt and of course I just had to have them......oh my they are luxurious..there called micro cotton and if you haven't ever felt them your missing something lovely.....we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways...My car reads the temperature outside and when I saw it I nearly flipped...44 deg.
and the humidity is something else...this has been the most intolerable summer ever I can't ever remember it being so oppressive...and I dream of living in a cooler place.... Denmark or Albany in W.A. always sounds good to me. I'm afraid I have a body that was born in Holland and it has never fully adapted to the heat.
I'm off to the Family History Library this morning...have found some more people on my line and they were born in the 1600 I have so much good luck with my Family History..... in all of my major lines I have gone back to the early 1700 hundreds and is very exciting...and of course you come to meet the most wonderful people along the way.....
and the humidity is something else...this has been the most intolerable summer ever I can't ever remember it being so oppressive...and I dream of living in a cooler place.... Denmark or Albany in W.A. always sounds good to me. I'm afraid I have a body that was born in Holland and it has never fully adapted to the heat.
I'm off to the Family History Library this morning...have found some more people on my line and they were born in the 1600 I have so much good luck with my Family History..... in all of my major lines I have gone back to the early 1700 hundreds and is very exciting...and of course you come to meet the most wonderful people along the way.....
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Who will win ?
These are Nic and Sione's dogs they walk being joined together on the leash...they got into a bit of a sticky situation here......poor puppy ....he is always pulled by Reicko.....Puppy is his name now, not Mr Potato Head exhausted by the time he gets home he takes every moment to sit and relax......funny to see them.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Macro lens again
Oh stop me I have house work to do..but.....I'm captivated with the camera....not that they are perfect in the professional world but in my world they you can see it's not only pink with this bouaganvillia but it also has orange.
I'm missing Naomi like crazy yesterday and today and I guess it's another reason I'm so easily occupied by something that captivates me...not that I need any reason to do what I love anyway. Think I better Sykpe them again, it does help.
Simply Majestic
I never thought to look on the other side of the wall...and there it was the white and pink combined......simply gorgeous...must take a photo with my Macro Lens see if it even comes up better.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Papa can you fix this car !!!!
Today on our little walk.... Kobi found this car and asked Tony if he could fix it for him....he was serious...Now I know Tone is pretty handy with all that he does... but this time it is something that even he can't rescue....... How wonderful to have that kind of faith and confidence in one.....Today was one of those great to speak to Naomi, Luke and Manly....gorgeous to see Manly and Kobi his bestest friend pretend to throw and catch the ball to each other over Sykpe....I love to see Manly's face when he sees Kobi...brings delight to ones heart....they are doing well. Luke loves his job and they seem to have settled done....... We had 6 kids for lunch, which Tony made.... and then we all went to Nic's for dinner, then our walk..... it was a great Sabbath.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Great nose
My Tony had rather a large Cancer on the side of his nose, which is now removed...the Specialist whom I will name.... Dr Mark Lee from Subiaco (because of the amazing job he did).....told us he would make a flap taken from his cheek to cover the hole from the cancer....this photo was taken two weeks later.......good hey.....
Oh it's so good to have the car back...wanted to drive it into the house so I knew it was safe...I had forgotten how to drive it..took me a minute or two to get my bearings.
Oh it's so good to have the car back...wanted to drive it into the house so I knew it was safe...I had forgotten how to drive it..took me a minute or two to get my bearings.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Sky
It was a windy evening and I didn't capture all of it's beauty, but because of the wind there were swirls and brush strokes all over the sky, it truly was a scene to behold.
No, the car was not ready......6 weeks no nearly 7 weeks a bit rough don't you think !!!! maybe today !!! Tony is much more patient then me. Been up since three not sure why...hate that as it affects the day...oh well see how we go, have much to do today.
No, the car was not ready......6 weeks no nearly 7 weeks a bit rough don't you think !!!! maybe today !!! Tony is much more patient then me. Been up since three not sure why...hate that as it affects the day...oh well see how we go, have much to do today.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Naomi's craft
Naomi now goes to Kindy and this is her first painting and creativity...clever girl...she tells her Mum such cute things to write and give to me......this was yesterdays...."Grandma I love you...I'm happy we live next door. I'm happy we have faith. I love you" ( then a love heart) Naomi.
I love them all so much.....
We are hoping to get the car back today but only for a week or so until it gets booked in for the scratches to be golly I have missed our car...I depended so much on the rear screen that sits on my dashboard..that I feel unsafe driving the other little car. I do have a feeling that it probably will not be today....bit pessimistic lately..... we'll see what happens.
I love them all so much.....
We are hoping to get the car back today but only for a week or so until it gets booked in for the scratches to be golly I have missed our car...I depended so much on the rear screen that sits on my dashboard..that I feel unsafe driving the other little car. I do have a feeling that it probably will not be today....bit pessimistic lately..... we'll see what happens.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Forgot to write
Well yesterday was Valentine's Day....I love it because I take the opportunity to do something for Tony and our kids....I used to make Nutella sandwiches with WHITE bread which was a taboo mostly in our home even it was always wholemeal or seeded....nourishment and nutrition was most important.....lollies was a once a week thing as well. Papa and Grandma need to remember this as the lolly drawer is mostly full with special treats for the kids....not always a good thing when their parents want to cut down on their sugar intake ....but I will blame Papa for that one as it is always he who buys them...and usually me who eats them !!!!! Anyway back to the story I would cut out little hearts with the bread, put in little treats and sometimes a note...telling them how special they were to us......Now as big kids...I have carried on the tradition...but Yesterday I took over a bottle of Patriti a loaf of white bread and a jar of Nutella some lollies for the kids in a lovely little carry bag......I have so much fun doing this I also send them a special ecard.....
For Tony and me he came home with my favourite licorice and some Magnums and I gave him a card...we went out to Hans for tea and then to the movies and saw True Grit...which I did enjoy but would have more if I could have understood Jeff Bridges...who was the main character apart from the young girl who was brilliant...Jeff, well I understood half the dialogue he mumbles and it is impossible for me to follow...put me off seeing him again because this is the second movie he has mumbled through...but he played as a drunk in both movies so maybe that was the problem.....When we came home we were so pleasantly surprised to see our door full of love hearts....Thanks Vanessa, Brendon, Jacob, Ady and Maya....we loved it and will keep it up for a few days...
It's always the little things that bring me the greatest joys. We then took Hector for a short walk and it was time for bed........Wonderful day.
For Tony and me he came home with my favourite licorice and some Magnums and I gave him a card...we went out to Hans for tea and then to the movies and saw True Grit...which I did enjoy but would have more if I could have understood Jeff Bridges...who was the main character apart from the young girl who was brilliant...Jeff, well I understood half the dialogue he mumbles and it is impossible for me to follow...put me off seeing him again because this is the second movie he has mumbled through...but he played as a drunk in both movies so maybe that was the problem.....When we came home we were so pleasantly surprised to see our door full of love hearts....Thanks Vanessa, Brendon, Jacob, Ady and Maya....we loved it and will keep it up for a few days...
It's always the little things that bring me the greatest joys. We then took Hector for a short walk and it was time for bed........Wonderful day.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Even the Birds
Last night sitting in our spot in the quiet of the evening, we were joined by the presence and the melody of little birds.
I see beauty even in an old dead tree..... our walk takes much longer I'm always stopping to take these wonderful pictures...since becoming interested in photography ....I see things that I never noticed before...and that is a gift in itself....that I'm ever grateful for.
I see beauty even in an old dead tree..... our walk takes much longer I'm always stopping to take these wonderful pictures...since becoming interested in photography ....I see things that I never noticed before...and that is a gift in itself....that I'm ever grateful for.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The Tree
A few weeks ago as we were walking with our family in our usual place...I saw this beautiful Tree and was so entranced with the shapes of the leaves as they just looked like circles.....they have dropped a little but today an added abundance of beauty ....gorgeous red buds that turn into amazing yellow flowers...I'm sure that this is where the idea of Snugglepot and Cuddliepie came was truly a peaceful walk....just the two of us and of course Hector......A perfect ending for a perfect day....... Today and last night was inspiring and amazing the talks given at Conferance where nothing short of perfection and have inspired me to do better.....How honored I feel in being a woman.
When I went to pick up my new Camera they the company gave me a better he said...I could tell it had a wider angle..and that it was much heavier.....but that was all..but as I am using it I can really tell....Yes this is a perfect lens...I can see why it would cost $995 and that is without the camera.
So I'm a Happy happier once we get the car back and a Laptop.
When I went to pick up my new Camera they the company gave me a better he said...I could tell it had a wider angle..and that it was much heavier.....but that was all..but as I am using it I can really tell....Yes this is a perfect lens...I can see why it would cost $995 and that is without the camera.
So I'm a Happy happier once we get the car back and a Laptop.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
A dash of pink
This was so pretty a week ago as the white bouganvillia (sure thats not spelt right ) had half pink and half white for some reason the pink has fallen off....but it was something to nature it cheers one soul...well it does mine. Strange strange weather though, it makes you feel a little unsettled, it is something that one cannot control, well thats a contradiction...... I guess Nature can promote or cause all kinds of emotions. From the sublime to utter fear !!!! Australia sure has had a lot of devastating things lately.
Friday, February 11, 2011
abundance of blessings
I am learning to never take anything for granted...even the few pears growing on our little tree out the back........ the weather this year has certainly affected some of our homegrown particular the tomatoes....small plants and barely any whatever we are blessed with I will make the most of.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Haven't been well
It's about one of the last thing one wants to do is socialize when your feeling off....just been acheing (how do you spell that word) all over...could hardly move this old body and that is exactly what it feels like an old body !!! But I can walk even though I can feel each step, I can do things..I often think when my body aches so much and my skin is sore to touch all over my body, of all the things I can do and then I feel so grateful......I am a very blessed Lady, I have wonderful people and things in my life I'm so grateful for. The best is knowing that God loves me and that I have found truth, which is a compass each and every day.
I do feel a little better today but still not good, but each day I wake with a absolute positive attitude that this is a good day...and that all is well in my world.....I do feel for the poor people who have lost so much.....can't even imagine how that must feel......makes me a bit nervous as we are not far from bush many things happening to so many people.....I pray that they may find peace and the help they need.
I do feel a little better today but still not good, but each day I wake with a absolute positive attitude that this is a good day...and that all is well in my world.....I do feel for the poor people who have lost so much.....can't even imagine how that must feel......makes me a bit nervous as we are not far from bush many things happening to so many people.....I pray that they may find peace and the help they need.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Hector's first time without leash
Ok Hector, it's time to prove yourself without the leash, we were both anxious as we wondered if he would come back to us at all.....we threw the ball and he brought it back to us about 40% of the time......
Here he is returning without the ball and then went into someone's home
Next time it will be with some treats......his pretty attached to his stomach me really...... These photo's were taken with the other camera.....I'm ssssoooooo grateful to have my camera's back.
Here he is returning without the ball and then went into someone's home
Next time it will be with some treats......his pretty attached to his stomach me really...... These photo's were taken with the other camera.....I'm ssssoooooo grateful to have my camera's back.
1st picture new camera
Tony said to me as I took a picture with my new camera..........."Am I the first photo taken on your new Camera?"
No sorry darling it was of Hector
No sorry darling it was of Hector
Friday, February 4, 2011
Another Angel
I am ssssssssoooooooooooooo blessed surrounded by the most wonderful people that fulfill my life and encourage me to be kind to others ....just by there kind acts towards me...... I had a beautiful Lady come and massage my head for at least an hour...... it was great....I felt relaxed and realized how uptight I was.....clenching my hands and my arms were so stiff..but because of her I had an aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh moment...we talked all the way through and I loved that too....this wonderful service was just offered out of the blue and it's one of my very favourite things as well as having my feet tickled....
I am so excited as TODAY I am going to pick up my replaced CAMERA.... OH what joy !!!!!!! I already know a photo or two I am dying to take.......
Tony went well with his little op and it looks like it will not be to noticable...instead of taking three hours...we were out of there in one......he had a cancer removed from the side of his nose and a flap from his cheek pulled over to cover it....poor little love he is always so brave... not like me who is a bit of a wimp !!!!!!!!.
I am so excited as TODAY I am going to pick up my replaced CAMERA.... OH what joy !!!!!!! I already know a photo or two I am dying to take.......
Tony went well with his little op and it looks like it will not be to noticable...instead of taking three hours...we were out of there in one......he had a cancer removed from the side of his nose and a flap from his cheek pulled over to cover it....poor little love he is always so brave... not like me who is a bit of a wimp !!!!!!!!.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
What a Character
Peni as I have said before is the Queen of her household, but she is also the funniest independant little miss.......on our little walks, we all stay together..but she is doing her own little thing...she brings joy to ones soul, she is loud and willful and totally adorable...each time she sees Naomi on the Skype...she calls out duddle duddle !!!!!!..Photo..Below....we could hear this little tune coming from behind us and in turning back there she was on Anthony's pram in her own little world humming away..nothing that we recognized...but it was loud and manna to ones soul
I will come back to these, as I just realized the time and I have to leave here in 15 minutes....Tony's Dr's appointment.....I'm back..........I don't know if you can see her but she is taking a rest on someones grave.
Hope no one thinks this is disrespectful........ as I certainly don't....... We walk around in a circle starting in the bush near our home and end up on a road in the Cemetery..then back home........she did find a lovely pile of yellow sand...that we found her playing on...... but we certainly drew the line there.......
I will come back to these, as I just realized the time and I have to leave here in 15 minutes....Tony's Dr's appointment.....I'm back..........I don't know if you can see her but she is taking a rest on someones grave.
Hope no one thinks this is disrespectful........ as I certainly don't....... We walk around in a circle starting in the bush near our home and end up on a road in the Cemetery..then back home........she did find a lovely pile of yellow sand...that we found her playing on...... but we certainly drew the line there.......
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